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可以化无用为有用。Well, uselessness can be turned into usefulness.

让你明白拥有是无用的。"To make you see the uselessness of having one".

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圣经奉告我们这些人的没用和危险性。The Bible recognizes the uselessness and even danger of yes-men.

由于疾病缠身,卧床不起,她深深感到力不从心。Too ill to get out of bed, she had strong feelings of uselessness.

“我们在这里简直就是无能的集大成者,”其中一个说道。"We're pretty much the epitome of uselessness here," one woman said.

“我们在这里简直就是无能的集大成者,”其中一个说道。"We're pretty much the epitome of uselessness here, " one woman said.

只有武器而没有使用它们的人,武器是空的。arms is uselessness to these people who have weapons rather than employ them

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从那时以来,它已成为伸展和贬低,几乎把出发点是无用的。Since then it has become stretched and debased , almost to the point of uselessness.

随着时间,你对自己永远无用和缺乏意义的确信甚至会让你想去死。Over time, the conviction of your permanent uselessness and lack of meaning can even make you want to die.

纤维素、半纤维素可用来生产燃料酒精,而木质素往往被废弃。Cellulose and hemicellulose could be used to produce fuel alcohol. However, lignin is often regarded as uselessness.

至于你认为这位年轻上司没本事,我相信他的经验没你丰富,见识比你更少。As for the supposed uselessness of your young boss, I can believe he is less experienced and more ignorant than you.

就如加州大学洛杉矶分校的经济学家杰克·赫什利弗早在1971年就表明的那样,这种投机活动常常是参杂着个人之利与社会之益。As the U.C.L.A. economist Hack Hirshleifer showed back in 1971, such speculation often combines “private profitability” with “social uselessness.”

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鉴于报刊投诉委员会的无力,这件事情只会鼓励加大对记者的监管要求。Given the uselessness of the Press Complaints Commission throughout, this affair will only encourage demands for regulatory oversight of the press.

就如加州大学洛杉矶分校的经济学家杰克·赫什利弗早在1971年就表明的那样,这种投机活动常常是参杂着个人之利与社会之益。As the U. C. L. A. economist Hack Hirshleifer showed back in 1971, such speculation often combines "private profitability" with "social uselessness.

这种无用性是很容易证明的,因为,为了要寻求珍视,我需要另一半来欲望我,这显示了,我自身其实并不具有任何价值。This uselessness is easily demonstrated, because in order to be valued I need another to desire me, which shows that I do not have any value of my own.

监事会的形骸化直接使董事长享有权力而不用履行义务和承担责任。The uselessness of the supervisor turn to make the chairman possess a power directly but need not implement an obligation and undertake a responsibility.

她患有双重失禁,就在20年前当她双手的手指弯曲到一种完全失去功能时,患上了天鹅脖畸形脖。She is doubly incontinent and the swan neck deformity which began 20 years ago in all fingers of both hands has now twisted them to a state of utter uselessness.

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兀者或不材大木的意象质问著效用的态度而考虑自然中的无用。The images of the handicapped or the huge strange trees are this kind of images that urges the human habitude of utility to be replaced by a natural uselessness.

理智地思考后,我们发现,爱的教育的缺失和教育爱的失真是使青少年爱心淡漠的重要因素。Pondering the questions reasonably, we find that lack of heat-love education and heat-love education' s uselessness is an important factor that makes the teen-agers are indifferent.

但精神分析学却证明,无论古代还是今天,金钱及其制度均建基于非理性、宗教性和无用性。However, psychoanalysis has proved that either in ancient times or in modern times, money and its corresponding system are both stemmed from irrationality, religiousness and uselessness.