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当然,挖苦是能理解。The digs are understandable.

她会挖到一个锁起的盒子。She digs and sees a locked box.

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糊涂蛋每天挖掘钻石。Dopey digs for diamonds every day.

穴居沙龟打一个迂曲的地洞。The gopher digs a maze of tunnels.

她会挖到一个锁起的盒子。She digs and discovers a locked box.

唐咕噜用手指挖耳朵。Tang Gulu digs her ear with her finger.

空虚,掏挖心里灵光。Blankness, digs out the light from heart.

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挖掘福斯特自我的根源。digs to the root of Forster's private self.

我不能养它了,它在我的花园里挖洞。I can't keep him, he digs holes in my garden.

我妻子谨慎地用叉子叉进去。My wife cautiously digs into it with her fork.

想坑别人的人,跌进自己掘得陷阱里。He who digs a pit for others, falls in himself.

他挖土豆并帮忙给羊群洗药浴。He digs potatoes and helps with the sheep dipping.

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他把爪子戳进树皮里一路往上爬。He digs his claws into the bark and goes up and up.

他在地上挖了99米深,但没有发现任何金子,然后他就放弃了。He digs up to 99 meters in the ground. But yet finds no gold.

装有身份证的小盒被追踪到了,车手用手挖出了它。The homing case is located, and the biker digs up the ID card.

她用带着手套的手在里面挖来挖去,找出来一个手机。With a gloved hand, she digs into these and finds a cell phone.

初夏,龟在松软的泥地上挖一个洞。In early summer, the turtle digs out a hollow in the soft ground.

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东耶路撒冷的考古挖掘一直非常有争议。Archaeological digs in the East Jerusalem are highly controversial.

他掘了坑,又挖深了,竟掉在自己所挖的阱里。He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit he has made.

我弟弟很喜欢嘻哈乐。他一天到晚在听。My brother really digs hip-hop music. He listens to it all the time.