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我是你的好朋友兼队友德安德烈·乔丹啊。Your good friend and teammate DeAndre Jordan.

他与前队友奥尼尔的长期不和众所皆知。He publicly feuded with former teammate Shaquille O'Neal.

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而这一次的比赛中,拉尔特在跑步中超过了队友甘伯。Raelert would later overtake his teammate during the run.

刘翔的国家队队友史冬鹏以13.63的成绩夺得季军。Liu's national teammate Shi Dongpeng stood third in 13.63.

刘翔的国家队队友史冬鹏以13.63的成绩夺得季军。Liu`s national teammate Shi Dongpeng stood third in 13.63.

她的队友杨伊琳以16.650的成绩摘得铜牌。He's teammate Yang Yilin won the bronze with 16.650 points.

马萨的队友莱科宁以57分排在第三。Massa's teammate Kimi Raikkonen by 57 points in the third row.

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下午三点钟,詹姆斯和其前队友达蒙.琼斯一道而来。James arrived in midafternoon with former teammate Damon Jones.

我们不会在祝贺朋友时,顺便掐一把她的屁股。We can congratulate our teammate without ever grabbing her ass.

五年后,在这个业余篮球最重要的舞台上,他又一次成为人们关注的焦点。I was 15 and playing AAU ball, watching a teammate do the crossover.

我也相信不少人这时候正在抱怨阿隆索在维修站里消耗了哈密了顿的时间。I also bet many fans must blame Alonso holding his teammate in the pit.

第二个例子是,目前无法提供他的队友尼尔森皮奎特。A second example is currently not available for his teammate Nelson Piquet.

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半决赛中,他直落两盘,轻松击败队友陈金。He faced teammate Chen Jin in the semi-finals and beat himhandilyin two sets.

诺维茨基的受伤是因为队友斯塔克豪斯错失一个罚球导致的。Nowitzki was hurt following a missed free throw by teammate Jerry Stackhouse.

如果带球时听见队友在大喊,尽量信任队友,传球给他。If u hear teammate shouting atu when ur dribbling, always trust her, pass her.

半决赛中,他直落两盘,轻松击败队友陈金。He faced teammate Chen Jin in the semi-finals and beat him handily in two sets.

拜纳姆高高跳起,和队友们一一撞胸庆祝。Andrew Bynum can go from teammate to teammate, leaping high and giving chest-bumps.

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他是个有好头脑的不错的球员和队友,我为他而高兴。He is a very good player and teammate with a good mentality and I am pleased for him.

我的队友当路云踢得十分出色,但米高巴特利的演出更令我留下深刻印象。My teammate Landon was very good but I was particularly impressed by Michael Bradley.

队友德安杰洛•罗素告诉哥伦比亚广播公司,他们本赛季的任务就是“传球给科比”。As teammate D'Angelo Russell told CBS, their job this season is to "get Kobe the ball".