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请把我送到上海龙东商务酒店,谢谢。Please take me to the RiverFront Business Hotel . Thank you.

南京下关滨江区将成为一个新的社区聚集区。Xiaguan Riverfront will be a collection of new neighborhoods.

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新公寓住宅区和办公大楼纷纷在河前耸立起来。New apartment blocks and office towers are rising along the riverfront.

有不同颜色眼睛的猫。它和它的帮会统领黄浦江。Pussycat with multi-coloured eyes. He and his gang ran the Pudong riverfront.

巴黎到了傍晚时分,随着码头上的雾气升起,巴黎的诱惑力也随之而起。As evening comes to Paris enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront.

巴黎到了傍晚时分,随着码头上的雾气升起,巴黎的诱惑力也随之而起。As evening comes to Paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront.

近日,王女士搬至附近的泰华滨河苑小区。Recently, Ms. Wang moved to the nearby Thailand and China Riverfront Residential Area.

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的还包括减税的大部分底特律滨河。The surprise announcement also includes tax breaks for much of the Detroit Riverfront.

该公园位于滨水沿岸,吸引着当地不同地区的游客们前来观赏。The park is located along the downtown riverfront and attracts visitors from throughout the region.

早起的人们在外滩进行传统的晨练活动,外滩是上海著名的河边大街。Early risers perform traditional morning exercises on the Bund, Shanghai’s famous riverfront boulevard.

星期四早上,大约120名村民聚集在首都金边河边的一个佛教寺庙里祈祷。Early Thursday, about 120 villagers gathered to pray at a Buddhist shrine on the riverfront in Phnom Penh.

它座落于景色怡人的长江河畔,饱瞰长江的迷人全景。The hotel is ideally situated at the edge of an urban riverfront park with panoramic views of the Yangtze River.

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在万景花园教堂的设计中,建筑师没有刻意回避传统空间模式中所含有的“集中式”和“深度”。From the architect. The project – a 200 square meter small chapel, is located in Wanjing Garden along Nanjing's Riverfront.

该项目位于里斯本滨河地区的一座大型工业仓库内,在这里将打造一个攀岩中心。The project is located within a large industrial warehouse just on the riverfront of Lisbon and will receive an indoor climbing center.

柬埔寨金边市一个男孩坐在他的机车上,上面挂着各式风筝和塑料玩具准备卖给河岸上来往的客人。A boy sits on his motorcycle adorned with a variety of kites and plastic toys to sell to customers walking the riverfront in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

奇怪的是,飓风提高了公众的理解力,大家以为,河边地区事实上是“高”的地面,具有重建的成熟时机。Paradoxically, the hurricane heightened public understanding that the riverfront is in fact the "high" ground and ripe for possible redevelopment.

本实习课的重点是运用永续发展原理改善佛山市中心河滨地区的生活品质与活动。This practicum focuses on applying the principles of sustainability to improve the quality of life and activity along the Foshan downtown riverfront.

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沿岸大群的砖房仿佛将您拉回到170年前的阿巴拉契科拉,那段岁月是阿巴拉契科拉值得骄傲的巅峰期,当时的阿巴拉契科拉还是个欣欣向荣的运输港,负责运输棉花。A battalion of brick buildings along the riverfront in Apalachicola reverses time some 170 years, back to the town’s heyday as a thriving shipping port for cotton.

例如,到1845年为止,位于宾夕法尼亚州西部的布拉迪的本德铁制品公司已拥有近6,000英亩矿区以及阿勒格尼河沿岸5英里的地段。By 1845, for instance, the Brady's Bend Iron Company in western Pennsylvania owned nearly 6,000 acres of mineral land and 5 miles of riverfront upon the Allegheny.

同时论文以西宁城南新区滨河公园为例,探索了基于这种理念的园林规划设计方法的实际应用。Finally the paper takes the South of Xining district riverfront landscape plan and design as an example and explores the practical application based on this field.