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这张照片是以鱼眼镜头在水底拍摄。Picture taken with a fisheye lens underwater.

比较结果表明,鱼眼菜单在很多方面具有一定的优势。The results show that fisheye menu has advantages in some aspects.

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用鱼眼镜头捕捉到弧线光亮的加拿大的荒野。A fisheye lens captures arcs of light crowning the Canadian wilderness.

鱼眼镜头捕捉了加拿大荒野的彩虹的弓形光线。A fisheye lens captures arcs of light crowning the Canadian wilderness.

再用一种简单的数学模型即球面投影,实现了180度鱼眼图像的还原。Then we transform the fisheye image of 180 degree to normal perspective image.

该文通过先确定鱼眼图像的中心和半径。In this paper, we first estimate the center and the radius of the fisheye image.

我很乐于使用你那些特殊的模式,像镜头倾斜模拟器,模拟眼眶。I’ve had fun with your special modes, like the tilt-shift-lens simulator and fake fisheye.

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一个免费但强大的拍照增强应用,带有标准拍照效果——但这些都是必备的,例如宝丽莱,鱼眼和趣味拍摄。A free, and solid camera app with standard—but essential—photo effects, like Polaroid, Fisheye and ToyCam.

针对海量层次信息可视化问题,提出嵌套圆鱼眼视图及实现方法。A new fisheye view is described for the visualization of large scale hierarchical data using nested circles.

她总是在酒席过后,转身看着一桌子的狼籍,与鱼眼相对。She is always after the banquet, turned around and looked at the table of the Wolf, as opposed to a fisheye.

在挤压造粒过程中,设备的操作控制对晶点的形成也有一定的影响。The operation and control of equipments had influence on the formation of fisheye in extrusion and granulating.

这么多年在外,每有宴席必有鱼,却再也没有人捻鱼眼给她吃。For so many years in the outside, each have dinner there will be a fish, but no one twist fisheye give her to eat.

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把鱼眼图象变换成透视投影图象,球面投影是一种简单有效的方法。Spherical projection is a simple and effective method to transform a fisheye image to a perspective projection image.

FishEye为我们展示的代码行数在过去的两年半时间内,已经稳步地增长到了超过50万行。FishEye shows us the number of lines of code has steadily grown to more than half a million over the past 2 and half years.

在虚拟现实,机器人导航及视觉监控等侧城,需要使用具有较大视角的鱼眼摄像机。In the field of virtual reality, robot navigation, visual monitoring and so on, a fisheye camera with a large view is needed.

本文引进一个新的概念——鱼眼菜单,来帮助用户更好地在长菜单中寻找所要的选项。This paper introduces a menu called Fisheye basing on DOI algorithm, which helps to create a better situation for long-list menu.

中间用鱼眼镜头向下拍摄,周围以30度仰角拍广角照片,后期进行数码合成。The central fisheye image points down, while the surrounding wide-angle images were taken at a 30 degree tilt and added digitally later.

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希望通过这些设计,可以使鱼眼菜单能够更好地符合用户操作菜单的习惯,提高用户使用长菜单寻找选项的效率。Hope this design of the Fisheye Menu can make better to cater for most of the users, as well as improves the efficiency of choosing menu items.

鱼眼镜头在实际生活中有广泛的用途,在使用时鱼眼图像往往需要变换为惯用的透视投影图像。Fisheye lenses are widely used in real life, but while being used, fisheye images usually have to be transformed into perspective projection images.

但通过对麦克斯韦鱼眼微球透镜的理论研究表明,在一定条件下,它具有良好的成像性能和耦合效率。But the study on the theory of Maxwell fisheye microspheric lens shows that on certain condition it has fine image formation ability and coupling efficiency.