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帮自己一个忙,点亮你的人生!Do yourself a favor and lighten up.

全文检索后高亮显示搜索单词。High lighten the full-text search word.

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你越放松,他们飞得越高。When you lighten up, they'll fly higher.

现在是时候鼓励年长者的性生活了。It is time to lighten up about elder sex.

吊灯照亮了整个大厅。The pendent lamps lighten the whole hall.

好好欣赏吧,看看你是否会看得云里雾里或者眼前一亮。Enjoy and lets see if you get clouded or lighten.

首先,减弱对于合法婚姻地位的关注。First, lighten our focus on legal marital status.

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孩子一个个多起来肩上永远扛着担子?。A child every year and no means to lighten the load?

一切都会没事的!放轻松不要再担心了!Everything will be allright! Lighten up and stop worrying!

听着,杰克,咱们可以十一月去打猎,逮它一头大麋鹿。Lighten up, Jack.We can hunt in November, kill a nice elk.

有一些措施能够改善皮肤受累区域的色泽。Some steps may help lighten the affected areas of your skin.

如果你想达到目的地,你必须轻装前进。You must lighten the load if you would reach the destination.

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而现在,让夜班变得轻松愉快的是,非常可爱的夏奇拉。And now, to lighten up the night shift, a very lively Shakira.

她从父亲那儿拿过一个包以减轻他的负担。She took one of the parcels from her father to lighten his load.

只有万能的上帝才有能力在这个愚昧的国土上教化它。Only the mighty God has the power on this dark land to lighten it.

混合了减轻材料的盆栽土壤放在顶层。Potting soil, mixed with ingredients to lighten it, is put on top.

如果你的照片效果很暗,你应该稍微调亮一点。If your picture is quite dark you will need to lighten it a little.

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这样会减轻你的精神压力并会给你能力和动力。This will lighten your spirit and give you strength and motivation.

夏天你应该光彩照人,应该享受这个季节,你应该穿粉色和白色。In the summer, you want to lighten up. You want to enjoy the season.

灯管点亮快速不延迟,功耗低,总功率仅1.2W。Fast to lighten the lamp which only needs 1.2W input and low consume.