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魔鬼天使。The devil angel.

乔装的魔鬼。Devil 1N disguise.

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魔鬼从不睡觉。The devil never sleeps.

恶魔快跑的故事版本。Run Devil Run Story ver.

魔鬼就是欺骗者。The devil is a deceiver.

魔鬼继续紧追不舍。The devil keeps oncoming.

我但愿魔鬼将你放弃。I wish the devil gave Uup.

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我的侄女是个调皮鬼。My niece is a little devil.

阿克拉在我心里是个恶魔。Akela is a devil in my mind.

我们要怎样抵挡魔鬼呢?How can we resist the Devil?

她着了魔。She was possessed by a devil.

说曹操,曹操就到。Speak of devil and he appear.

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一念成佛,一念成魔。One Buddha, one into the devil.

细节决定了成败。But the devil is in the details.

魔界却多出了一位黑色的魔王。Makai has more of a black devil.

有钱能使鬼推磨。Money can buy the devil himself.

最可恨那红色恶龙。The detestable devil red dragon.

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魔鬼在死坟堆祈祷。The devil prayed in the cemetery.

然后魔鬼就能收去他的灵魂!Then the devil can have his soul!

不要替魔鬼拿蜡烛照明。不要为虎作伥。切莫助纣为虐。Do not hold a candle to the devil.