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在一个路边的茶馆里。In a roadside teahouse.

我站在路边上。I stood on the roadside.

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他一直爬到了路边。He creeped to the roadside.

马走到路旁。The horse took to roadside.

路边的这家食品精品屋是我开的。I run this roadside food stall.

路边的草引起了一场大火。The roadside grass became a blaze.

他在路边的一个超市里买了啤酒。He stops at a roadside market for beer.

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压服七边在路边摆摊设局。Keep down seven on the roadside stalls set.

如果路边有炸弹,这是最危险的位置。It's the most vulnerable to a roadside bomb.

他们在路旁坐下休息。They sat down by the roadside to take a rest.

路边的霓虹灯五彩缤纷,灿烂夺目。Roadside neon colors, bright and eye-catching.

汽车站附近设点。Roadside newspaper sellers all prefer bus stops.

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⊙、路边的野花,也是很牛比的!The roadside flowers, is also very constructive!

路边的红树叶子还没红,所以我们都没注意。Roadside not red mangrove leaves, we no attention.

女人晚熟的爱情,象道旁迷人的野花。Mature love woman, like a roadside charming flowers.

路旁的杜鹃,散落在碧绿的草丛里。Roadside rhododendron, scattered on the green grass.

路边有个公用电话亭。There is a public telephone station at the roadside.

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他径直朝停在路边的车走去。He walked straight to the car parked by the roadside.

机遇是可能潜藏在路边阴暗处的东西。Chance is what may lurk in the shadows at the roadside.

一些人甚至要求在路边开演唱会。Some have requested concerts be performed on roadside verges.