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上一周你们都知道了对观福音书问题。you learned about the synoptic problem last week.

对耶稣的抓捕同样也和符类福音中有所不同。The arrest is also very different in the synoptic Gospels.

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在对他进行审判时,在符类福音中,耶稣几乎没有说话。At his trial,in the Synoptic Gospels,Jesus says almost nothing.

最后的晚餐,符类福音中最后的晚餐是逾越节晚餐。The Last Supper, the Last Supper in the synoptic Gospels is a Passover meal.

在符类福音中,耶稣的神职是在约翰被捕后才体现出来。In the synoptic Gospels, Jesus' ministry does not begin until the arrest of John.

主要进行了气候背景、天气形势和物理量诊断分析。The climate characteristics and the synoptic situation of the event are diagnosed.

依据天气学原理确定预报因子,利用逐步消空法得出冰雹预报因子集合。Based on the principle of synoptic meteorology, the prediction factor was determined.

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这是个谜,你可以看出有多相似,但并不完全与四福音书一样。It's a puzzle.You can tell how it's similar but not exactly like the synoptic Gospels.

我们以后会发现,约翰福音比起四福音书,更倾向于此。As we'll see,the Gospel of John looks a lot more like this than the Synoptic Gospels did.

然后从第23到25章,是耶稣很长的讲论,其中包括很重要的训诫。Then in chapters 23-25,you get a very long speech by Jesus which includes a big synoptic sermon.

我们对这个女人的了解,比对符类福音中其他人的了解更多。We know more about this woman then we know about just about anybody else in the synoptic Gospels.

应用天气学和统计学方法对1993年LAFS数值降水预报产品进行检验。Synoptic and statistic methods are employed to verify the precipitation forecasts for1993 from LAFS.

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也不可以有任何疑问圣约翰的协议与天气福音至于最后的晚餐,并受难日。John's agreement with the Synoptic Evangelists on the question of the Last Supper and the Crucifixion.

介绍一种应用常规历史天气图资料进行天气学客观分型的思路和方法。This paper introduces an objective synoptic typing method which uses the routine historical synoptic data.

辐合线的形成与大尺度背景和特定地形有关。The formation of convergence lines is closely related to large- scale synoptic patterns and special topography.

整层积分的结果是次天气尺度系统向天气尺度系统提供正涡度。Full layer integrations suggest transfers of positive vorticity from subsynoptic scale systems to synoptic ones.

这是耶稣和别人,而非和,符类福音里他的门徒,之间进行的最长的对话之一。That's one of the longest dialogues that Jesus has with another person, not his disciple,in the synoptic Gospels.

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建立了山东省远距离热带气旋暴雨的天气学模型。The synoptic model of the far distance tropical cyclone torrential rainfalls in Shandong province was established.

本文提出了一种基于天气气候学途径的气团客观分类实施方案。A methodology of objective air mass analysis based on synoptic climatological approaches is proposed in this paper.

在功能设计的描述中,他们增加了摘要概述并且提出了它作为主要系统“组分”。In the functional design description, they added a synoptic overview and presented it as major system "components".