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叠或褶如某些花冠。A fold or pleat, as in some corolla.

花冠裂片5枚,部分合生。Sepal 5, corolla lobes 5, partial combine.

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雄蕊群着生在联合的花冠上。The androecium is borne on the fused corolla.

花冠裂片5,近等长,圆形,筒部短。Corolla lobes 5, subequal, rounded, tube short.

花冠玫瑰红或紫色,很少白色,。Corolla rose-red or purple, rarely white, bilabiate.

其中有一些公寓的售价比一辆新的丰田卡罗拉还少。There are some selling for less than a new Toyota Corolla.

雄蕊2,花冠筒的着生的在基部,几乎不外露。Stamens 2, inserted at base of corolla tube, scarcely exserted.

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花冠筒内丝状物为退化雄蕊的短花丝。The thread in the corolla is the short filament of a degenerated stamen.

印度的商业巨头阿齐姆·普莱姆基据说开的是一辆丰田卡罗拉.Azim Premji, an Indian business tycoon, reportedly drives a Toyota Corolla.

迈克尔哈里斯称她妻子开的09花冠系车突然飞奔出去并撞进了墙里。Michael Harris says his wife's 2009 Corolla took off and crashed into a wall.

花翼瓣在底部邻接,雄蕊与冠片交错。Flower petals are joined near the base and stamens alternate with the corolla lobes.

中世纪以后,宫廷贵族之中出现了用珍珠装饰的花冠。Since the Middle Ages, the nobles of the court appeared Corolla decorated with pearls.

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副花冠裂片花冠筒,线形的或卵形,离生的花丝的着生的近中部。Corona lobes inserted near middle of corolla tube, linear or ovate, free from filaments.

自然我希望能有一辆敞篷的雪佛莱,但是得到的只是一辆丰田花冠,但是这辆车上的收音机很不错。Naturally I'd hankered after an open-topped Chevy, but had to make do with a Toyota Corolla.

高脚碟状的花冠,圆筒状的筒部,稍膨大近基部,裂片对正确地重叠。Corolla salverform , tube cylindric, slightly inflated near base, lobes overlapping to right.

高脚碟状的花冠,圆筒状的筒部,喉缩小,没有鳞片,裂片对正确地重叠。Corolla salverform, tube cylindric, throat narrowed, without scales, lobes overlapping to right.

花冠5裂,漏斗状,裂片短,宽阔外翻,堇色或紫色,具有特别的香气。Corolla 5 cracked, funnel-shaped , Liepian short, wide valgus, Jinse or purple, has a special aroma.

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花冠矩阵将成为2007年型结转,便会到达经销商在八月。Corolla Matrix will be a carryover for the 2007 model year and will arrive at dealerships in August.

高脚碟状的花冠,圆筒状的筒部,膨大在插入,裂片重叠朝把或留给的右边。Corolla salverform, tube cylindric, dilated at staminal insertion, lobes overlapping to left or to right.

本田思域,现代伊兰特的基本型做不到,丰田科罗拉和雪佛兰克鲁兹可以。Base versions of the Honda Civic and Hyundai Elantra do not, although the Toyota Corolla and Chevrolet Cruze do.