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他住在巴拉纳戈尔,是一位婆罗门学者的儿子。He lived at Baranagore and was the son of a brahmin pundit.

Moyo年轻,非裔,懂得如何在电视摄像机面前自我表现,也是一个天生的学者。Moyo is young, African, great on television, and a natural pundit.

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莫约年轻,非洲人,很熟悉电视媒体,也是一名不做作的评论员。Moyo is young, African, great on television, and a natural pundit.

我们中的许多人都试图成为预知行业中下一个趋势的权威。Many of us try to be the pundit who predicts the next trend in our industry.

还有,所有加强这种破坏性被动迟钝的专家其实就是问题的一部分。And every pundit who reinforces that destructive passivity is part of the problem.

如果一位梵文学者用梵语对我说话,我会跟着他说,但我自己却不能说。If a pundit speaks to me in Sanskrit I can follow him, but I cannot speak it myself.

有了众多另类用法,洋葱可能会让任何一个DIY专家留下喜悦的眼泪。With its number of alternative uses, the onion may induce tears of joy to any DIY pundit.

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像这样的情况,当所有的学者名人都出言呼吁破产的时候,我试着退一步看看历史。In cases like this, when every pundit is calling for a crash, I try to step back and look at history.

“任何英格兰专家都会说弗莱彻是整个英国最好的中场之一,”Burley说。"Any English pundit will speak about Darren as one of the best midfielders in Britain, " Burley said.

他们也不全是格伦贝克的粉丝,作为权威人士的格伦贝克大力宣扬厄运进而督促听众去购买黄金。Nor are they all fans of Glenn Beck, an American pundit who preaches doom and urges his listeners to buy gold.

这位闹剧门事件的中心人物仍然在关注着意甲的一举一动。The man at the centre of the Calciopoli scandal continues to watch the Serie A scene and now acts as a pundit.

这个决定是在天空体育开除评论员格雷之后做出的。格雷在周末的时候曾对马西有过诋毁的言论。The decision came as Sky Sports fired pundit Andy Gray over disparaging comments he made about Massey at the weekend.

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根据利物浦队长在每周比赛集锦所说的,西班牙国脚与克莱门斯非常相似。The Spain international is right up there with Ray Clemence according to the Kop captain turned Match of the Day pundit.

或许你会相信晚间新闻上那些所谓的专家所评论的油价的上涨是由于利比亚局势导致供应紧张。Or you believed the nightly news pundit who said that gas prices went up because the crisis in Libya was affecting supplies of oil.

我也要吃饭的。”他在从白金汉宫负责公共关系的职位上退休以后,就成了一位王室时事评论员。I've got to eat, ' says Dickie Arbiter, 70, who became a royal pundit after retiring as a public relations man for Buckingham Palace.

一位在线的权威人士表示,奥巴马就像是一个脾气暴躁的老人,对于技术的批评,只能说明他扮演了"守旧者"。One online pundit said that Obama sounded "like a grumpy old man. " Another suggested that in criticizing technology he was acting like an "old fogy.

一个产业的成功和失败的“,他”把自己的产品或休息厍鲈鱼等人注意时莫斯贝里会谈个人技…An industry's successes and failures" and that he "makes or breaks products from his pundit perch so people pay attention when Mossberg talks personal tech.

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今年早些时候,某位著名专家说他听候选人演讲时的感受到某种刺痛感,他本人因此深受嘲笑——但所有人都知道他到底想说什么。One prominent pundit was much derided earlier this year for describing the tingle he got from listening to the candidate-but everyone knew exactly what he meant.

一个著名学者在今年早些时候遭到了嘲笑,由于他曾经说过听取总统候选人的演说令他感到刺痛,但人人都十分清楚他的意思。One prominent pundit was much derided earlier this year for describing the tingle he got from listening to the candidate—but everyone knew exactly what he meant.

在围场本周末前将迫使印度技术老板迈克加斯科因,谁是填补经常为英国广播公司无法专家学者埃迪乔丹。In the paddock this weekend will be former Force India technical boss Mike Gascoyne , who is filling in for the unavailable regular BBC expert pundit Eddie Jordan.