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先天性心脏病。Congenital heart disease.

先天性多毛症很罕见。Congenital Hypertrichosis is very rare.

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先天性LQTS是单一离子通道的改变。The affected ion channel in congenital LQTS is single.

先天性舟状骨裂是很罕见的病例。Congenital bipartite scaphoid is a very rare condition.

最终诊断为先天性中胚层肾瘤。The final diagnosis was Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma.

是一种少见的小儿先天性支气管-肺发育畸形。Congenital Cystic Adeno-matoid Malformation of the Lung CCAM.

先天性多囊肾是一种先天性的疾病。Congenital polycystic kidney disease is a congenital disease.

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年轻的失明的宠物狗为先天性失明的柯利牧羊犬。The younger blind dog was a collie with congenital blindness.

文文是个很腼腆的男孩子,因为自己是个先心病患儿的原因。Wenwen is a timid little boy due to congenital heart disease.

眼睛问题。先天性弱视。远视加散光。Eye problem. Congenital amblyopia. Long sight adds astigmatism.

目的探讨先天性小耳畸形的手术修复方法。Objective To explore surgical procedure of congenital microtia.

下腔静脉重复畸形是一种罕见的先天性血管发育变异。The inferior vena cava duplication is a rare congenital anomaly.

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中心型发绀提示先天性心脏病的可能性极高。Central cyanosis makes a congenital cardiac disorder highly likely.

先天性心室憩室是一种少见的心脏畸形。Congenital ventricular diverticulum is a rare cardiac malformation.

我们所研究的是属于先天遗传性尿崩症。Our research is focus on congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

包皮过长是一种先天性的异常发育。The foreskin is too long is a congenital developmental abnormality.

目的分析影响先天性腭裂手术效果的因素。To analyze the influence factors of congenital cleft palate repair.

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兔唇和腭裂在中国是最常见的缺陷。Cleft lip and palate is the most frequent congenital defect in China.

其原因以颅内先天性动脉瘤内最多见。Its reason in the congenital aneurism sees most much by the skull in.

报告4例先天性主-肺动脉间隔缺损。This paper reports 4 cases of congenital aortopulmonary septal defect.