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狮子咬伤其驯兽者。The lion bit his trainer.

金钱是生命的训兽师。Fortune is a trainer of life.

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他是马戏团的驯兽员。He's an animal trainer at the circus.

有我这个驯象师在嘛。With me as the elephant trainer here.

鸟儿们都喜欢训练员茱莉亚,都听她的话。Birds like and listen to trainer Julia.

这只猫突然转而进攻它的训练者。The cat suddenly turned on its trainer.

老虎突然向训兽员袭击。The tiger turned on the animal trainer.

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训练者告诉了我该如何教皇后.The trainer told me how to teach Queen.

机器人可以成为你的性爱训练器。A robot can be a personal trainer for sex.

成为一名训兽师是高威一生的梦想。Being an animal trainer is Gao's dream job.

一个教练问我需不需要救护车。A trainer asked me if I needed an ambulance.

他的父亲是玛佐拉的驯兽师。His father is an animal trainer for Mazzola.

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作为个人教练,你什么时候感觉最好?When do you feel best as a personal trainer?

使用我们的教练定制,以实现这一目标!Use our Trainer Customizer to accomplish this!

像不像一个训练有素的驯象师啊?Do I look like an experienced elephant trainer?

我们在体育馆报名,注册减肥课程或者跟随健身教练。We sign up for the gym or a class or a trainer.

我曾看见过一个圣骑士训练师的截图。I've even seen screenshots of a Paladin Trainer.

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Tilikum驯养员的安全是个很严肃的问题。Trainer safety with Tilikum is a serious concern.

他发明的装置叫林克训练器。The device he invented is called the Link Trainer.

训练者出现了,后面跟着六条小狗。The trainer appeared, followed by six little dogs.