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振动筛是什么类型的?What type of the shale shaker?

能否请你把盐罐递给我?Could you please pass me the salt shaker?

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今天你们换震动筛筛布了吗?。Have you changed the shaker screen today?

他用鸡尾酒调酒器帮我们调了一杯酒。He mixed us a drink in the cocktail shaker.

加入所有材料到加冰的调酒壶。Add all ingredients into an ice filled shaker.

盐罐放在胡椒罐的后面。The salt shaker is in Back of the pepper shaker.

今天你们换震动筛筛布了吗?。Haudio-videoe you changed the shaker screen today?

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柜子的面板是我选的最简单的调酒器质感,颜色接近于墙的颜色。The cabinets I chose were simple shaker style panels.

欺骗通过做一个盐罐消失观众。Trick the audience by making a salt shaker disappear.

震动筛有很多返出的岩屑。There are so many return cuttings on the shale shaker.

这就是自定中心振动筛的自定中心原理。This is the principle of self-centering on a screen shaker.

在这个恶作剧里,你所做的仅仅是把盐罐换成糖罐。All you have to do is simply switch the salt shaker with sugar!

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要数清震动筛的振荡数是不容易的。It's not easy to count the number of vibrations of shale shaker.

其他的盐来自厨房的盐瓶或食物生来自带的。The rest comes from the kitchen salt shaker or occurs naturally in food.

俄罗斯人忌讳打翻盐罐,把这看做家庭不和的预兆。Russians spilled salt shaker taboo, this as a harbinger of family discord.

这些参数能够反映振动筛的泥浆处理量和内在质量。These parameters can reflect shaker handling capacity and internal quality.

投入一切组分到振动器并且打它,直到您得到一些起泡沫的大量。Put all components to the shaker and beat it up until you get some foaming mass.

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他鬼使神差地拿起盐瓶,把它放在一层比较高的。He watched his own hand pick up the salt shaker and place it on one of the higher.

泥浆中已加入堵漏材料,叫甲板工关掉振动筛。L. C. M. has been added into the mud, tell the derrickmen to stop the shale shaker.

摇壶里滤入朗姆,芒果汁,加利安努和碎冰,充分摇合几分钟再加入波士力娇酒丰富口感。Include rum, mango juice, galliano and crushed ice into the shaker. Shake well for a.