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它并不容易,但是是可以学习的。It is not easy, but is learnable.

清醒梦完全是门可以学会的技能。Lucid dreaming is a completely learnable skill.

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管理是一门可以学.但不能直接传授的艺术。Management is a learnable but not directly teachable art.

它是一种看待世界的可爱方法,它是一种可以学习的技巧。It is a lovely way to perceive the world, and it is a learnable skill.

他知道的策略、原则、概率和数据都是客观的,都是可以被传授的。He saw strategies, rules, odds, and numbers as objective and learnable.

学着飞翔,穿过墙壁,找点乐子,这完全是可以习得的。Learn to fly. Walk through walls. Have some fun. It's totally learnable.

同时,还进一步介绍了由此而产生的具有学习能力的仪表。Furthermore, a kind of ANN based self learnable instrument are suggested.

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坐骑和非战斗宠物现在很像法术或者技能。These pets and mounts will be now learnable much like spells or abilities.

任何事一个人可以做的,其他人也可以学著去做,人类身上的技能是可以相互学习的。Anything one person can do, others can also learn to do. Human skills are learnable.

教授写作风格比教授写作基本要点要难,然而它是可以通过学习获得的,但前提是你必须耐心、专心,最重要的是要坚持练习。Style is rather less teachable than the nuts and bolts of writing, but it is learnable.

语法是什么使构造语言,像淘气的学会的日常的超级粉丝。Grammar is what makes constructed languages like Elvish learnable by everyday superfans.

这是一种可习得的技巧,跟其它任何技巧一样,在第一次用时也难免笨手笨脚。This is a learnable skill like any other, and it probably will feel a bit awkward the first time.

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如果我们假设领导术是可以学习的,我们可以真正发现更多的好的领导者。If we assume that leadership is learnable , we can discover how many good leaders there really are.

具备遥控器相关产品诸如无线键盘,游戏手柄,万能遥控器以及学习型遥控器的相关经验。Experience in Remote Control related products such as Wireless Keyboard, Gamepad, Universal Protocols RC Learnable RC.

法学院对通过学习可能掌握的知识与可教授的知识之间的差异未作区分,这一点是后者最为隐蔽的问题。Implicit in most of the latter is the unexamined difference between what may be "learnable", and what is "teachable" at law school.

文章从例句的规范性、突显性、充分性,例句词语的可学性和语境的自明性几个方面分析例句清晰度的问题。Thus this study analyzed their clarity from the standard, salience, sufficiency, learnable words and context autonomy of the examples.

我把这一技能放在最后,是因为我认为拥有上述六点的产品经理很容易学到大部分这些技能。I put this characteristic last, since I think most of these skills are easily learnable by product managers who possess the six earlier skills.

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最优性条件和数值方法的基本概念与简单的例子说明,使可教高的材料和可以学会的。Basic concepts of optimality conditions and numerical methods are described with simple examples, making the material high teachable and learnable.

教材用一定数量的方式给学生们提供教育素材,特别是提供对学生能力水平很在行的英语模范。Coursebooks support the student in a number of ways, but particularly by supplying models of English which are learnable at the student's level of proficiency.