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要尽量控制住你的急躁情绪。Try to control your impatience.

但是也反映了某种日益增长的急躁情绪。But it reflects a growing impatience.

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同样不要愤怒和急躁。Don't give into anger and impatience.

他对于迟钝的人极不耐烦。He has a keen impatience with the dull.

没有耐心是我们社会的通病。Impatience is a disease in our society.

也就是说,缺乏耐心是一个非常严重的错误。In other words, impatience is a huge mistake.

事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。Career in perseverance, destroyed by impatience.

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他焦灼地咬着他的手指甲。He was gnawing his finger-nails with impatience.

“能的,能的!”格雷丝有点不耐烦地说道。"Oh yes, yes! " said Grace with feeble impatience.

听了这话,他做了个不耐烦的动作。After hearing this,he made a movement of impatience.

许多场所和物件都表明人们有急躁情绪。Many places and objects that people have impatience.

而我们就可以从这一短期的浮躁中获益。We can take advantage of this short-term impatience.

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许多场所和物件都表明人们有急躁情绪。There are places and objects that signify impatience.

⊙、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。Career in perseverance, often destroyed by impatience.

她是在无谓纷扰,几乎不能掩盖其不耐烦。She fussed about,scarcely able to hide her impatience.

可是,他那著名的急脾气,仍一览无余。But his famous impatience is still close to thesurface.

在这个问题上,叙利亚民众的耐心肯定会磨光的。Syrian popular impatience in that respect is sure to rise.

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另外,你也可以想象焦躁就是那十字路口的黄色信号灯。Try also to see impatience like the yellow on a traffic light.

“这是什么意思?”戈德利曼强压怒火。What do you mean?" Godliman fought down the angry impatience."

马儿在用脚搔地,迫不及待地准备出发。The horses were pawing the ground in their impatience to start.