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气旋下溢中的绳状流动。Roping in cyclone underflow.

赤道反气旋。Anti- cyclone in the equator.

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1974年达尔文被热带气旋特蕾西夷为平地。In 1974 Darwin was devastated by Cyclone Tracy.

介绍旋风除尘与文丘里洗涤器的设计选型。The designs of cyclone and Venturi are presented.

XW型旋风除尘器也称外旋型旋风除尘器。XW cyclone is also called outer rotation cyclone.

飓风魔法的持续时间从10秒提高到15秒。Cyclone duration on units increased to 15 from 10.

旋风给成千上万的人带来苦难。The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people.

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达到这种强度的气旋发展出了风眼。A cyclone of this intensity tends to develop an eye.

一阵龙卷风把多萝西卷到了这一个陌生的国度。A cyclone has blown Dorthy here in a strange country.

但是,他说,那里的医疗条件在纳尔吉斯强热带风暴过后变得更加糟糕。But, he adds, they got much worse after Cyclone Nargis.

双出风口分离器的设计是我此次设计的重点。The cyclone collector's design is the point of my design.

本发明是有关漩流真空吸尘器的发明。The invention relates to a cyclone vacuum dust collector.

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海德兰德港至少每两年经受一次飓风。Port Hedland experiences a cyclone at least every two years.

看我的'噼里啪啦无敌惊暴旋风腿'。Look at my 'crackling invincible surprise storm cyclone leg'.

希望此一热带低气压不会增强成为台风。Wish this tropical cyclone will not strengthen to be a typhoon.

还对旋风炉内强旋流场的气相燃烧情况进行了预报。The modeling of gas phase combustion in the cyclone was also made.

科学研究的令一种飓风是热带龙卷风。The scientific classification for a hurricane is a tropical cyclone.

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他们甚至编起歌曲,歌唱从未抵达过达尔文市的龙卷风。They even made up songs about the cyclone that never reached Darwin.

阐述了麻石水膜除尘器的除尘机理、特点。Dust removal mechanism in wet cyclone and its features are discussed.

最后提出了一套台风灾害预评估的技术方法。Finally, an assessment method for tropical cyclone disasters was given.