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奥丁可以帮你在这里一样。Odin can help you here as well.

欧丁自小在动物园中长大。Odin was hand-raised at the zoo.

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奥丁在儿子耳边的话语。What Odin whispered In Baldr's ear.

他是一个名为奥丁的好色古神。He's a lecherous old god by the name of Odin.

奥丁也知道,谁就会死去,最后还活着。Odin also knew that who will die and alive in the end.

他杀死奥丁是谁在“仙境传说”神的顶部。And he killed Odin who is the top of Gods in "Ragnarok".

奥丁希望他的儿子在地球的生灵中学会谦卑。Odin hopes his son will learn humility among the earthlings.

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他是奥丁跟乔德之子,也是其中一位最强大的神。He is a son of Odin and Jord, and one of the most powerful gods.

在奥丁等神的裁决下,他们都有了类似人类的形体和智慧。In Odin , such as God's judgement, they have a similar human body and wisdom.

在挪威人的传说中,欧丁神和他的妻子弗丽嘉有一个叫保德的儿子。In their legend, the god Odin and his wife Frigga had a son by the name of Balder.

在挪威人的传说中,欧丁神和他的妻子弗丽嘉有一个叫保德的儿子。In their legend, the god Odin and his wife Frigga had a son by the name of Balder.

据说他的眼睛奥丁牺牲下获得世界之树的智慧水面。It is said Odin sacrifice one of his eye to gain the water of the wisdom under the World Tree.

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洛基知道他得逃走,要不然就得一生断送在奴役身上,因此就自愿要求要把那茅送到奥丁那儿。Loki knew he had to escape, or be locked into servitude and so offered to deliver the spear to Odin.

欧丁会把麋鹿的食物换成礼物或者糖果,作为好心孩子的回报。Odin would then replace Sleipnir’s food with gifts or candy to reward those children for their kindness.

欧丁会把麋鹿的食物换成礼物或者糖果,作为好心孩子的回报。Odin would then replace Sleipnir's food with gifts alternatively bonbon to award those children for their kindness.

在德国古老的神话中,欧丁神会在圣诞节那天为众神和死去的勇士举办盛大的狩猎狂欢会。In Proto-Germanic mythology, the god Odin would host a great hunting party for the gods and fallen warriors each year at Yule.

采用双武器战斗的他们获得了熊的力量,为维护奥丁神的荣光而战。Adopting a twin-blade fighting style and infused with the spirit of the bear, a Beserker will wade into battle for the glory of Odin.

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真疯狂,系统里单是接上一对欧顶讯号线,就可以有如此惊人的音质的大飞跃!The crazy thing is, that even on a whole system costing less than a single pair of Odin interconnects the benefits are so stunningly obvious!

奥丁精心为爱宠准备如人类品质的天然食品,使宠物在享受美味的同时,更能全面呵护它们的健康。Odin carefully prepare such as human quality natural food. Not only enjoy the delicious pet food, but also comprehensive care of dog's health.

为了保护地球以及地球上的居民免受巨人们的攻击,奥丁以及他的兄弟用伊米尔的眉毛做成一道篱笆,围在地球周围。In order to protect it and its inhabits from the giants, Odin and his brother surrounded the earth with a fence made from the eyebrows of the Ymir.