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目前使用较多的如各种毛坯石板、木材等。Use at present more wait like all sorts of semifinished product flag, lumber.

隔断墙,还原毛坯房,室内全套拆除。Off the wall, reducing the semifinished materials room, full indoor demolition.

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在北京,“戴德梁行”的业务量约占半成品。In Beijing, "DTZ Debenham Tie Leung" volume of business accounted for semifinished.

其实,买了毛坯房后的装修,才更耗精力。Actually, after buying semifinished product house decorate, just more bad news energy.

半精加工的活塞是加大尺寸的,必须进行修整以便与气缸相配合。Semifinished pistons are oversize and must be finished down to size to fit the cylinders.

表明所生产的气门毛坯废品率明显下降。The results indicate that the reject rate of the tire valve semifinished products are descended.

是的,中国推行精装房,逐步逐步地会取消毛坯房。Yes, China carries out the hardbound room, will cancel the semifinished materials room gradually.

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试验通过硫酸铵对发酵液的分段盐析得到粗酶,并对粗酶的基本性质进行了一定的研究。In the experiment, according to stepwise salting-out of ammonium sulfate, semifinished enzyme also has been acquired.

半精加工的主轴承安装后需要修整和调配,这样曲轴就必须拆下。Semifinished main bearings require finishing and fitting after installation, so that the crankshaft must be taken out.

因此,更新设计观念,提高室内设计水平,推崇毛坯住宅是避免减少这种浪费的有效途径。There fore, renew ideas on advocate semifinished dwelling house are the effective methods, to lesson or avoid this kind of waste.

且以某锥体零件毛坯轧制的轧制转速和轧制半径测量为例,证明了这一方法是可行的。The way is proved to be excellent by measuring the rotating speed and rolling radium of some semifinished spare part as an example.

陶瓷坯釉料配方最优化计算是陶瓷工艺中的关键技术之一。The optimal calculation of semifinished product and glaze formulation of the ceramics is one of key technologies in the ceramic industry.

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此文阐述了对小弯曲半径管坯弯曲首先应进行工艺计算,如延伸率、强度计算等。This article describes the procedure calculation of the little curved radius tubular semifinished product such as ductility, intensity, etc.

对于催化裂化装置生产的半成品稳定汽油,一般含气量大,进罐温度偏高,因而对内浮顶结构形式的选择提出了特殊要求。Generally, the semifinished stabilized gasoline coming from the FCC has more gas content with high temperature when. it enters into the tank.

我们提供种生姜,姜种材或腌腌姜。我们自己的农场和工厂提供的所有产品。We offer kinds of ginger, semifinished ginger is kind of salted or pickled ginger as well. We own farm and factory to offer all the products.

资本是厂房、设备和存货。存货是用于生产另一种物品和服务的原材料和半成品。资本是存量。Capital, the plant, equipment, and inventories of raw and semifinished materials that are used to produce other goods and services is a stock.

假如是毛坯房,已安装的插座面板,要看是否为墙面装修作了预留。If be semifinished product room, the electrical outlet that already installed face plate, want to looked to whether decorate obligate for metope.

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这个阶段的产品是横断面较小的半成品,如板坯、大钢坯、小方坯等。这些半成品适合于进一步轧制。In this stage semifinished products with smaller cross sections are produced, such as slab, bloom or billet, which are suitable for further rolling.

结论比浊法测定磷霉素钠效价快速、可行,对中间产品的检验更具有重要意义。Conclusion The titer of fosfomycin sodium determined by turbidimetry is rapid and feasible, and it is more significant to verify the semifinished product.

所以从产品设计、工艺设计、工装预备、材料采购、毛坯制造、零件加工等要以此为准。From products plan, craft so preparation of design, tool, material is purchased, semifinished product is made, spare parts treatment should be with this accurate.