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不只因为它的乏味,不只因为它的平淡。Not only because of the aridity and wateriness.

这个在阿拉伯世界的趋势将趋向于干燥。The trend in the Arab world leans towards aridity.

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“撒哈拉”这个名字使人想起干旱的沙漠情景。The name Sahara conjures up images of a desert of aridity.

体贴的人不应当对干旱斟酌不周。Thoughtful men care not to be antisocial about the aridity.

体贴的人不应该对乾涝攷虑不周。Thoughtful men ought not to be antisocial about the aridity.

葱葱树木不断吸附海雾,在干旱荒芜之中创造出一片湿润的绿洲。The trees capture sea mist, creating a damp oasis amid the aridity.

冰后期以来气候变化具有在总的干旱背景下干湿交替的特点。The climate of this area has been changing with aridity and moisture.

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气候的寒冷干燥感染了东北方言的粗豪风格。The cold aridity of the weather infected with thick style of the northeast dialect.

“干旱的增加正使旱地成为世界上最容易发生冲突的地区,”他说。"Increased aridity is making the drylands the most conflict prone region of the world, " he said.

患者多感有鼻黏膜干燥、灼痛、呼吸道不适等症状。Most of patients have aridity of nasal mucosa, burning pain, discomfortable symptom of respiratory channel.

通过对该剖面沉积物的粒度数据测量分析,判定该地区全新世以来沉积环境经历了六次干湿波动。The grain size analysis of the section showed there were six aridity and humidity fluctuations in this region.

这可能是印度洋海温影响西北地区夏季干湿特征的可能机制。This is likelihood mechanism of the Indian Ocean SST influence on summer aridity and wetness in Northwest China.

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这个山泉叫作人参泉,无论是天旱还是雨季,这个泉水的水量始终不多也不少,一年四季不干。The spring was called as Panax spring, which is full of water all the year long, no matter aridity or rainy season.

持续逐步的温室效应使得一些地区的干旱在过去几千年里都未有的加速。Continued gradual global warming has produced an increase in aridity for some areas over the past few thousand years.

1976年年干燥度指数发生由偏湿向偏干的突变,突变后气候类型分布发生显著变化。In 1976, the aridity abruptly turned from wet to dry. Climate types changed markedly after the abrupt climate transformation.

修护因缺水而出现的干纹、脱皮及粗糙纹理,保护肌肤防御干燥引起的刺激及老化,令肌肤回复柔滑饱满。Repair the wrinkle, shed and rough skin because of water shortage. Protect skin to defense stimulate and aging because of aridity.

C3类植物在低温、潮湿的地区占有优势,而C4类植物适应既干旱又高温的气候条件。C3 plants dominate areas of higher precipitation and low temperature, while C4 plants favor conditions of aridity and hot climates.

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他还指出,在干旱增加意味着饲料缺乏的尼日利亚北部,干旱正驱使牧民南移到种植玉米的地区。He also cited nothern Nigeria, where increased aridity means lack of fodder is driving herders south into the areas farmed for corn.

在根据年干燥度进行干湿区划的基础上,对作物生态需水来源进行分析。The analysis of the variation in source of crop water requirement was conducted based on the climate division by annual aridity index.

和田绿洲处于特定自然条件下,降水量小,蒸发量大,极其干旱缺水。Hotan oasis is in a certain natural condition, precipitation is rare, evaporation is big, and it is most drought and aridity in the oasis.