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他左胸前佩带着一张名牌。He was wearing a nameplate on his left breast.

每个棺材也有刺绣的羊毛铭牌。Each coffin also has an embroidered woolen nameplate.

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一些人还用铭牌上的俚俗冲锋口号讥讽警察。Some used the slang slogan on the nameplate to mock the police.

铭牌的位置在工程图纸中指定。The location of nameplate is specified on the engineering drawing.

标识方式采用记录、标签、标牌、零部件随行单等方式。Use record, tag, nameplate and parts waybill to label the products.

铭牌制作的好与坏,涉及到产品的价值和等级。Nameplate production is good or bad, related to the value and grade.

所有附件和工具箱上都有永久性金属标示牌。Permanently attached metal nameplate listing kit number and all components.

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金属梯设置带挂锁设施和警告铭牌的隔板。The metal ladder has the diaphragm with padlock device and alarm nameplate.

额定电流和总电阻等参数均在铭牌上标明。Rated current and the total resistance and other parameters are indicated on the nameplate.

就是报纸的版本,他们有不同的名字和各自不同的内容。These are versions of the paper, usually with a different nameplate and some distinct content.

本公司位于广东深圳市龙岗区,主营金属铭牌等。The company is located in Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, such as main metal nameplate.

故居巷口有青岛市文物局立的铭牌。Former residence of the alley with Qingdao Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau established nameplate.

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两年前,本田的豪华品牌每一种车都赢得了最佳安全奖。Just two years ago, Honda’s luxury nameplate earned a top pick for every vehicle in its line-up – a first.

电机铭牌上的额定指标参数是以环境温度为40℃为基础的,保险系数应达1.15。The nameplate ratings of the motor shall be based on 40 c ambient environment and have a 1.15 service factor.

我把纸条拿给老师,那是一个高大的、有些谢顶的男人,桌上的铭牌写着他是梅森老师。I took the slip up to the teacher, a tall, balding man whose desk had a nameplate identifying him as Mr. Mason.

确保阀门按照正确的流向安装。参照阀门铭牌或阀体上的流向箭头。Ensure that valve is installed in proper flow direction. Refer to flow direction arrow on valve nameplate or body.

建议比转速应为直径比所取代,并启用水斗式水轮机新铭牌。It is suggested that the specific speed would be replaced by diametric ratio, and the new nameplate would be used.

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玛格丽特·斯蒂文森登上两节扶梯,走向一扇普普通通的木制房门,门上的铭牌写着“夫妇关系有限公司”。Margaret Stevenson walked up the two flights of stairs and came to a plain wooden door with the nameplate 'Relationships, Ltd.'

显示母语教学的重视细节,在所有四个黑色制动卡钳并在黑市上燃料帽有一个绿色的“奥迪R8”铭牌。Showing MTM's attention for detail, on all four black brake calipers and on the black fuel cap there is a green "R8" nameplate.

每台自耦变压器均设有用中文书写的铭牌,铭牌采用不锈钢材料制作,并安装在变压器明显可见的位置。Each autotransformer shall be provided with a stainless steel nameplate in chinese at a conspicuous position of the transformer.