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我叔叔是个邮差。My uncle is a mailman.

邮递员还没来过。The mailman hasn't been round yet.

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这条狗将邮差猛咬一口。The dog gave the mailman a nasty bite.

邮递员通常2点钟来。The mailman always comes at 2 o'clock.

邮递员大傻鹿看起来挺尽职的……Mailman Lumpy seems to be really duteous.

邮递员来的时间很次序。The mailman ingways comes like clockwork.

邮递员被蛇咬仍坚持送完信Snake bites mailman -- who finishes rounds

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“我是你的朋友。”邮递员说。P12. "I am your friend, " said the mailman.

邮递员每天早上来收信。The mailman collects the letters away every morning.

邮差每天早晨递送信件和包裹。The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.

邮差刚刚塞进一些信件在我们的信箱,爷爷.The mailman just dropped some mail in our box, Grandpa.

邮差刚刚塞进一些尺书在我们的信箱。爷爷。The mailman just dropped some mail in our box. Grandpa.

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还配有情人节卡哦!看起来挺有趣!Wubbzy delivers the valentines when the mailman gets sick! Silly fun!

的是要签名的嘛?好像不记得他们让我签过名…The mailman always required me to sign and print my name on the deliever notice.

我要谈的是除了星期天外,每天由邮差带来的纸质材料。I’m talking about the paper stuff that the mailman brings by every day but Sunday.

你说一个以前过不了警察考试,现在挣得比邮递员还少的废物,你怎么叫他?Whaddya call a piece of white trash who couldn't pass the cops exam and now makes less than a mailman ?C. O.

我怀疑在NBA历史上还能有第二个球员能够有邮差这样的体型和力量。I doubt any player in the history of the NBA kept himself in better shape and had more power than The Mailman.

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你说一个以前过不了警察考试,现在挣得比邮递员还少的废物,你怎么叫他?Whaddya call a piece of white trash who couldn't pass the cops exam and now makes less than a mailman ?A C. O.

一位66岁的佛罗里达邮递员正在送信,当他往唯一邮箱塞信的时间一只有毒的蛇了他一口。A 66-age-old Florida mailman doing his rounds were bitten by a poisonous snake when he put mail inside a mailbox.

一位66岁的佛罗里达邮递员正在送信,当他往一个邮箱塞信的时候一只有毒的蛇了他一口。A 66-year-old Florida mailman doing his rounds was bitten by a poisonous snake when he put mail inside a mailbox.