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我们的总部设在香港。Our headquarter is in Hongkong.

新公司会将总部设在巴黎。The new company will headquarter in Paris.

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微软公司总部设在西雅图。The headquarter of Microsoft is in Seattle.

海斯特中国总部设在上海。HYSTER China Headquarter is located in Shanghai.

2003年MSA在上海设立了中国营销总部。In 2003, MSA set up its China Headquarter in Shanghai.

俄罗斯黑手党的总部是总部设在美国的芝加哥。Russian mafias headquarter was based in Chicago, America.

总部位于上海,目前在沈阳设有办事处。Headquarter locates in Shanghai and branch office in Shenyang.

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合资公司的总部位于中国广东深圳。The headquarter of CIGNA&CMC is in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

皇家宠物食品于1995年进入中国,总部在上海。Royal Canin came to China in 1995 with the headquarter in Shanghai.

院办室,政战处,医务行政室。Headquarter Office, Political Warfare Division, Medical Admin. office.

妥思总部坐落在德国的纽克芬林。The headquarter of TROX GROUP is located in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany.

公司总部位于广东省阳江市用英文如何说?Company's headquarter is located in Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province.

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其他各地的办事处,一般上都执行公司总部的指示。Normally other branches carry out the instruction from the headquarter.

集团总部位于中国重工业基地——沈阳。The headquarter of SYM locates at the heavy industry base of China-Shenyang.

艾丽华服务式公寓及酒店管理公司成立于2008年10月,总部位于新加坡。ARIVA Hospitality was founded in October 2008 with its Headquarter in Singapore.

圣奥总部位于风景秀丽的西湖之滨。The headquarter of the The group locates at the bank of the beautiful West Lake.

公司总部在美国纽约的曼哈顿区。The company’s global headquarter is located in Manhattan, New York, United States.

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公司总部设在英国,业务营运中心设在美国,在全球37个国家拥有85个生产基地。The headquarter of GSK is located in UK, while its operational headquarter is in US.

潍坊是风筝的故乡,是世界风筝联合会总部所在地。Weifang is the hometown of kites as well as the headquarter of World Kite Federation.

总部位于北京清华紫光大楼内,在广州、深圳、上海设有分公司。Headquarter is in Beijing, with another branch office in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai.