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具有智能化和人性化。It has the intellectualization and humanness.

你,没有任何的宗旨,没有任何人性。You, have no any tenet , have no any humanness.

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在人类中有完美的人性吗?Is there a perfect form of humanness behind all humans?

幽默会培养我们人性和弱点上的接受程度。Humor fosters acceptance of our humanness and our foibles.

这其实就是河南为人诟病的原因。This is the reason that Henan humanness denounces actually.

这张照片显示出希望,生命以及对人道的庆祝。This picture signifies hope, life, celebration of humanness.

在我国,木结构建筑还鲜为人见。Be in our country, timberwork builds bright still humanness to see.

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人与人之间最宝贵的纽带就是相互之间的仁慈。The only bond worth anything between human beings is their humanness.

技术展现的不仅仅是我们的人性,有了技术我们才称之为人。Technology not only reveals our humanness , it is the way we are human.

现在我要求你们发现自己的内在基督,把我的人性还给我。I now ask you to recognize the Christ within, and to return to me my humanness.

这是对完美人性的耶稣的尊严,每个人都是来衡量。It is against the perfect humanness of Jesus that the dignity of every man is to be measured.

说白了,我们还是在做一个传统的为人服务的企业。Spoken parts in an opera, we still are doing the business that a traditional humanness serves.

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这正是“材美”所要达到的为人所用的极致。This is " material is beautiful " the acme that the humanness place that place should reach uses.

然而,这四者中只有两个可以用来解释“恐怖谷”,那就是人性和怪诞性。Only two of them, however, are needed to explain the uncanny valley. These are humanness and eeriness.

雕刻玻璃雕刻玻璃分为人工雕刻和电脑雕刻两种。Sculpture glass carves glass to divide humanness to be versed in sculpture and computer carve two kinds.

暂从目前看来,我认为没有必要担心我们人类特有的人性特色会被程序代码成功的模拟出来。For the time being, I think there's no risk of our humanness being successfully simulated by program code.

赵大妈是一个有经验的老保姆,为人本份,却受到陶的排挤。Zhao aunt is an old baby-sitter that has experience, humanness this portion, get however of contented elbow out.

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牢记为人民服务的宗旨,办好让人民满意的教育。Keep firmly in mind the humanness people the aim of the service, do to like to let satisfied education in people.

你认同你自己的人性并知道你真的是和别人在同一条船上是最本质的要点。It is essential that you recognise your own humanness and that you are really in the same boat as the other person.

从不对外张扬,连亲近友人被问起来都忙说“不知道”。But their humanness is very low-key, never external make public, be asked even close friend busy say "do not know ".