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给墨西哥送钱?Give Mexico money?

你从黑西哥城来?You're from Mexico City?

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对,我来自黑西哥城。Yes.I'm from Mexico City.

墨西哥赢得了U17世界冠军!Mexico is U17 World Champion!

我来自瓜达拉哈拉,墨西哥。I'm from Guadalajara , Mexico.

新墨西哥州的圣克拉拉普韦布洛Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico

我从墨西哥转学来的。I transferred here from Mexico.

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但那是在墨西哥城之前的事。But that was before Mexico City.

我们要在墨西哥证明这一点。We want to prove that in Mexico.

墨西哥与美国接壤。Mexico adjoins the United States.

圣诞红原产于墨西哥。Poinsettias are native to Mexico.

费尔霍普位于墨西哥湾。Fairhope is on the gulf of Mexico.

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日本有索尼,墨西哥有科罗娜,德国有宝马,韩国有三星。Japan has Sony. Mexico has Corona.

记者纷繁飞到墨西哥往了。Newsmen went flying off to Mexico.

记者纷纷飞到墨西哥去了。Newsmen went flying off to Mexico.

西红柿”借自墨西哥语。"tomato" was borrowed from Mexico.

我得向英格兰和墨西哥人致歉。I apologised to England and Mexico.

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墨西哥的实验室里储藏了玉米种。Labs in Mexico banked corn species.

日本有索尼,墨西哥有科罗娜,德国有宝马,韩国有三星,中国有什么?Mexico has Corona. Germany has BMW.

墨西哥从第12位上升到第10位。Mexico climbs from No. 12 to No. 10.