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癌经常转移至淋巴管。Carcinomas often metastasize to lymphatics.

前列腺癌则通常向骨转移。Prostate cancers usually metastasize to bone.

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癌症的危险因素主要在于癌细胞转移。A major reason why many cancers are so dangerous is that they metastasize.

癌病医生们必须采取更有效的办法来对付肿瘤的转移。Oncologists must try to outsmart tumors that have already begun to metastasize.

肿瘤有局部侵蚀性,转移的倾向相对较低。The tumor is locally aggressive with a relatively lower tendency to metastasize.

该类型的肿瘤会转移并能引起囊性子宫内膜增生。This type of tumor can metastasize and can cause cystic endometrial hyperplasia.

在T细胞杂交瘤中,转移到周围淋巴结的肿瘤细胞通常都有强的L-选择蛋白的表达。T cells' hybrid tumor cells which specifically metastasize to lymph node highly express L-selectin.

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这些癌变细胞克隆生长成肿瘤,并最终具有转移潜能。These cancerous cells then grow clonally into tumors and eventually have the potential to metastasize.

肾透明细胞癌早期症状不明显,容易发生远处转移。Renal clear cell carcinoma is difficult to be detected in early stage and easy to metastasize distally.

小细胞肺癌以及腺癌通常转移到脑,CT很容易将这种转移检测出来。Small-cell lung cancer and adenocarcinoma commonly metastasize to the brain and are readily identifiable on CT.

肿瘤患者的肿瘤细胞可以通过血液和淋巴管发生远处转移,肿瘤患者淋巴管新生明显增加。Tumor cell metastasize by blood and lymphatic vessel, and lymphangiogenesis is obviously increased in patients with tumor.

研究者发现,扩散的结肠癌从它们形成癌的时候就具有转移的能力。Those colon cancers that spread carry the ability to metastasize from the time they become cancerous, the researchers found.

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反精英主义是民主社会中随时等待扩散的肿瘤,也是托克维尔担心美国会出现的东西。Antielitism is a cancer waiting to metastasize in any democracy and one that Alexis de Tocqueville worried about for the U.S.

医生希望使用诱导剂量的化疗,以杀灭肺部可能增长或转移到身体其他部位的肿瘤细胞。Doctors wanted to use the induction dose to kill the cancer cells that would continue to grow and metastasize elsewhere in the body.

与癌症的三大危害性迥然不同的是,良性肿瘤具有自限性,不侵犯或不转移特征。These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited, and do not invade or metastasize.

乳腺癌最常转移至腋淋巴结,而且这些淋巴结通常在乳腺癌外科手术时被除去。Breast cancers most often metastasize to the axillary lymph nodes, and these nodes are often removed at the time of surgery for breast cancer.

此病例强调癌症转移至肾脏的潜力,而可能经由肿瘤细胞浸润肾脏导致急性肾衰竭。This case emphasizes the potential for cancers to metastasize to the kidneys and which may result in arf by tumor infiltration of the kidneys.

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最近,霍华德休斯医学研究所的调查人员发现,结肠癌转移能力早在疾病的发展阶段就已经出现。Now, Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators have found that the ability of a colon tumor to metastasize arises early in its development.

结论鳞样小汗腺导管癌是一种非常罕见的低度恶性肿瘤,局部切除后可复发,未见转移报道。Conclusions Squamoid eccrine ductal carcinoma is an exceedingly rare low-grade malignant tumor and can recur after excision but do not metastasize.

“转移”这个词的意思就是变化形式、状态、位置,是个癌症患者不愿听到的词。This is the VOA Special English Health Report. The word "metastasize" means to change form, state or position. It is not a word cancer patients want to hear.