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你会给一只猿挠痒痒吗?Would you tickle a gorilla?

就像你是这间房间里的一只800磅的大猩猩一样。Looks are an 800-pound gorilla in the room.

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现在魔兽世界如同房间里800磅重的大猩猩。WOW is now the 800-pound gorilla in the room.

你要向那大猩猩学几下秘招。哈哈。You need to take some tips from the gorilla. lol.

类人猿有灭绝的危险。An anthropoid ape such as a gorilla or chimpanzee.

我是一只大猩猩,我会捶胸,你会吗?I am a gorilla and I thump my chest. Can you do it?

一只新的大猩猩将在圣地亚戈动物园作他的首次亮相。A new gorilla has made his debut with the San Diego Zoo.

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一只小猩猩像个孩子似地偎依在他的怀里。A baby gorilla lay in his arms just like a human baby did.

在荷兰,一个400磅的大猩猩逃出了动物园。A 400-pound gorilla on the loose at a zoo in the Netherlands.

在荷兰,一个400磅的大猩猩逃出了动物园。A400- pound gorilla on the loose at a zoo in the Netherlands.

被诅咒的鱼神和独眼臭男人。木桩坏了。Blasted fish God and the one-eyed gorilla. The peg just broke!

大猩猩的粪便说不定或许正是地球的大救星。Gorilla dung could conceivably be the salvation of the planet.

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这个大猩猩在视频中足足出现了有5秒钟,但是我竟然没有发觉。The gorilla is visible for fully 5 seconds. I didn't notice a thing.

大猩猩在敌人到来时会捶打自己的胸膛并且大声吼叫以转移敌人的注意力。The gorilla pounds his chest and roars at his enemies to distract them.

大猩猩粪便中的哺乳动物DNA暗示,这种巨猿吃肉。Mammal DNA in gorilla feces hints the big apes might eat meat after all.

悉尼塔朗加动物园里,银背大猩猩科巴布嚼起了树枝。Silverback gorilla Kibabu chews on a stick at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney.

这个年轻的大猩猩睡着了,可是在他的脚上生长了植物蓟。This young gorilla had fallen asleep with a thistle grasped in his foot.

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那男人是在一个动物园里被一只大猩猩给咬了,卡班巴医生顺便提了一下。He was bitten by a gorilla at the zoo, the doctor said, almost in passing.

今天,苹果公司几乎买断了康宁公司可以生产的所有Gorilla玻璃。Today, Apple buys practically all the Gorilla Glass that Corning can make.

在列非尼动物保护中心,一只小猩猩紧紧抓住护理照料人员的手。A baby gorilla grasps the hand of a caregiver at the Lefini Faunal Reserve.