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我们怎麽不搬到本地旅馆去住呢?Why don't we adjourn to the local hostelry?

那个年轻的女人跨着轻盈的步子朝拥挤的旅馆走去。The young woman stepped lightly across to the crowded hostelry.

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那个年轻的女人跨著轻盈的步子朝拥挤的旅馆走去。The young woman stepped lightly across to the crowded hostelry.

一个客店门前停辆榻车或小车原是件最平常的事。Nothing is more common than a cart or a truck at the door of a hostelry.

我和妻儿们费了九牛二虎之力在“基辅旅馆”找到一个房间。With my wife and children I found with great difficulty a room in the Kiev Hostelry.

“在沃尔多夫旅馆,”她回答,指的是当时刚刚新建的时髦大旅馆。"At the Waldorf, " she answered, mentioning the fashionable hostelry then but newly erected.

不一日到了北京,韦小宝去找了一家大客店,一进门便赏了十两银子。Eventually they arrived in Peking and Trinket found a large, high-class hostelry for them to stay in.

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德纳第家的客店就好象是个蜘蛛网,珂赛特被缚在那上面发抖。The Thenardier hostelry was like a spider's web, in which Cosette had been caught, and where she lay trembling.

那是一座阴森的旧旅馆,在从前的美好日子里比西街的坏小子们都知道这儿。Opposite me is the H?tel de Louisiane. A grim old hostelry known to the bad boys of the Rue de Bud in the good old days.

在一个时尚人士喜爱到那里展示其魅力的著名的旅馆里,它的大餐厅里坐着一位衣着华丽、引人注目的用餐者。There was a brave and conspicuous assemblage in the dining-saloon of a noted hostelry where Fashion loves to display her charms.

那一排敞篷商店,我们记得,是从礼拜堂一直延展到德纳第客店门前的。The line of open-air booths starting at the church, extended, as the reader will remember, as far as the hostelry of the Thenardiers.

俄罗斯的因图丽斯酒店后来被出售,其中包括它的那所曾经颇为过时的旗舰旅馆,就在克里姆林宫边上。Russia's Intourist hotels have since been sold off, including the travel company's once dowdy flagship hostelry just down the road from the Kremlin.

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就在圣诞节那天晚上,有好些人,几个赶车的和货郎,正在德纳第客店的那间矮厅里围着桌上的四五支蜡烛,坐着喝酒。On Christmas eve itself, a number of men, carters, and peddlers, were seated at table, drinking and smoking around four or five candles in the public room of Thenardier's hostelry.

德纳第客店在那村里的地点既在礼拜堂附近,珂赛特就得向谢尔方面那片树林中的泉边取水。As the Thenardier hostelry was in that part of the village which is near the church, it was to the spring in the forest in the direction of Chelles that Cosette was obliged to go for her water.