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但就是这样,一个权宜之计。It is what it is, a matter of expediency.

援助账单是一个权宜之计的经典范本。The bailout bill is a classic example of expediency over effectiveness.

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律师的真理算不上真理,只是一种言之成理、利己的权宜之计。The lawyer's truth is not Truth, but consistency or a consistent expediency.

很显然,发展出口贸易不应只是个权宜之计而是一项长期的发展战略。Thus developing export trade is obviously not an expediency but a long term strategy.

作为一名专业学者,他从未为政治利益而妥协自己的分析结果。Andas an academic, he never compromised his analysis forthesake of political expediency.

它嘲讽了各方的短视、道德上的缺憾和政治上的权宜利己行为。It is scathing about short-sightedness, moral weakness and political expediency on all sides.

穆萨维自1989年下台后仍然在政界活动,他在国家权宜委员会内任职。After stepping down in1989, Mr. Moussavikept a handin politics, serving on Expediency Council.

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为了一己政治私利而树敌,这是华盛顿一个历史悠久的传统。There is a grand tradition in Washington of creating enemies for the sake of political expediency.

我曾经听一位传教士宣称,他的讲稿和主题都取材自他的教会的某一规定。I hear a preacher announce for his text and topic the expediency of one of the institutions of his church.

但波斯尼亚人得出的结论是,即使欧盟设置的条件苛刻,政治上的权宜之计终会找到一个解决方法。But Bosnians concluded that, even when the EU sets tough conditions, political expediency will find a way round them.

在中国的税制变迁中,不断变化的目标背后相同的变迁理念是强制和权宜。The goals of the vicissitudes of tax system of China gradually change, but its immovability is coercion and expediency.

他谴责季莫申科为了政治上的权宜之计和民粹主义,摈弃了2004年橙色革命的思想体系。He blames Ms Tymoshenko for sacrificing the ideology of the 2004 orange revolution to political expediency and populism.

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本邮局专门承接全国各地单位和个人的函购邮寄业务,手续简便且迅速准确。Our post office specializes in attending to units' and individuals' mail orders all over China with expediency and accuracy.

公司有很多此类债务,他们很着急,愿意用交付换取逐渐降低的速度。Companies with a lot of this type of debt are in a big hurry, willing to trade ever-decreasing velocity for expediency of delivery.

仔细分析中国在苏丹事态变化中的举动可发现,战略上的权宜之计胜过原则和辞藻。A close reading of China's behavior amid the evolving events in Sudan indicates that strategic expediency trumps principle and rhetoric.

在总统选举四周之后,伊朗政策委员会主席拉夫桑贾尼呼吁在全国实现国民团结。Four weeks after the presidential election, Chairman of Iran's Expediency Council Ayatollah Hashemi-Rafsanjani calls for a national unity among the nation.

法官阁下,有时候,现实的面貌具有那么咄咄逼人的道德色彩,使我们无法遵循已开辟出来的方便之路前进。There are times, Your Honor, when reality bears features of such an impellingly moral complexion that it is impossible to follow the hewn path of expediency.

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面对威胁加沙制度的经济危机,哈马斯找到了一种无为自发的解决之道,在此过程中,这项权宜之计于无形中变成了机遇。Hamas had found a spontaneous solution to the economic crisis that was threatening its rule of Gaza -- and, in the process, turned expediency into opportunity.

吾人将有一项信念,即在订立和议之时,美国以及其他英勇之盟友,将不致为一时种种权宜。We shall have faith that, at the writing of peace, American and our other gallant allies will not be obtunded by the mirage of contingent reasons of expediency.

危机管理是一门艺术,是企业发展战略中的一项长期规划,任何一种临时性措施和权宜之计的做法都是不可取的。Crisis management is an art, is the development of a long-term planning strategy, any kind of interim measures and the expediency of the practice is not desirable.