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对她有德国叙情的猎人。The huntsman had lied to her.

为什么洪博培会如此冷遇中国?Why is Huntsman so cool on China?

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那位猎人手里提着枪走进了树林。The huntsman entered the forest, gun in hand.

洪博培大使及夫人在布达拉宫。Ambassador and Mrs. Huntsman at the Potala Palace.

选情专家说,罗姆尼与洪博培都是摩门教徒。Election experts say, Romney and Huntsman are Mormon.

猎人和我把动物赶出花园。The huntsman and I hunt the animals out of the garden.

洪博培在听到上述内容后立刻离开。Huntsman walked away from the scene after that comment.

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但是洪博培更适应直来直去的方式。But Mr Huntsman was apt to do some straight-talking of his own.

从洪博培的履历来看,他确实是典型的“美国总统胚子”。Huntsman resume from the point of view, he really is a typical "U. S."

亨斯曼展台的台柱是通过灌注工艺制成的。The pillars of the Huntsman stand were made using an infusion process.

相比亨茨曼,雷德并没有太长的公职履历。Randt did not have the long resume of public service that Huntsman has.

前犹他州长洪博培在共和党的外交政策辩论会上发表演讲。Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman at the Republican foreign policy debate.

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不过,亨茨曼在很多方面也有无可指责的保守记录。Yet in most respects Mr Huntsman has an unimpeachably conservative record.

洪博培说,美中关系的发展势头很好。Huntsman said that U.S.-China relations enjoy a sound momentum of development.

严寒毁坏了踪迹,所以猎人只好把猎犬送回犬舍。The frost had destroyed the scent, so the huntsman sent the pack back to kennels.

此举被选情分析人士视为洪博培参选“开门不红”的迹象。This is election analysts as Huntsman candidates "do not open the door red" signs.

洪博培大使及夫人在甘丹寺内驻足观看牦牛酥油蜡烛。Ambassador and Mrs. Huntsman pause to view a yak butter candle at Ganden Monastery.

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其他共和党候选人,特别是米特·罗姆尼,正密切关注着洪博培。Other Republican candidates, particularly Mitt Romney, are closely watching Mr.Huntsman.

美国前任驻华大使洪博培正考虑角逐共和党总统候选人。The former ambassador Huntsman is considering a run for the GOP presidential nomination.

最后,一个猎人朝他们走来,他肩上扛着双筒猎枪,腰间还插着一把猎刀。Finally a huntsman came by with his double-barreled gun on his back, and a sword at his side.