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为什么那蒸汽机将要继续转动Why the Steamroller will Continue

从一九七二年起,我们就领教了苏联这种高压手段。Starting in 1972, we were exposed to such a Soviet steamroller.

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这样,这个党就变成一股强大的力量,把反对党压得抬不起头,直到下一次选举为止。Then it becomes a steamroller that flattens the opposition until the next election.

低销售策略和智能型意念的结合使得任天堂成为这一行业的弄潮儿。The combination of low cost and clever ideas is turning Nintendo into a steamroller.

就算偶尔有男孩想硬碰硬,最后还是被她闪亮的光环压下来。Even if the boys would like to occasionally head-end is still by her sparkling ring to steamroller us.

想要拿高阶小组的声势,来压倒周全、有自信的男士或女士,做法并不会奏效。The steamroller from a high power team in ineffective against a well-prepared, confident, man or woman.

Ryabinina说,更多的团体压迫下,压路机下降,更大的临界质量的出现。Ryabinina says the more groups fall under the steamroller of repression, the greater the critical mass that emerges.

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他们曾被寄予期望能够唤醒峰会并击败反对派达成协议,但事实证明适得其反。They had been expected to galvanise the summit and steamroller opposition to an agreement, but in fact proved counterproductive.

当天若是有课来不了的,另外再找时间到学校考试或领取试卷。A teacher in New Oriental School is like a person running around in front of a steamroller. You can outrun the steamroller on any given day.

人类面临着一个机会,他们要决定是阻挡科技的进展,还是控制、指导科技的发展方向。Here is an opportunity for human beings to decide if we're simply going to stand in the path of the technological steamroller or take control and help guide its direction.

洛杉矶一个男人偷了一台蒸汽压路机,随后和警察展开了一场时速只有5英里的公路追逐战,直到一名警察跃上并刹住了这台机器。A Los Angeles man who later said he was "tired of walking, " stole a steamroller and led police on a 5 mph chase until an officer stepped aboard and brought the vehicle to a stop.