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将数组还原为标准列表损失了很大的速度优势。Coercing back to a standard list loses a lot of that gain.

如何控制一个日期时间对象是无强迫一个字符?Controlling how a date-time object is printed without coercing to a character?

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你现在有了传感器和监视系统强迫你随波逐流。You now have censors and surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting submission.

然而世界却向中国过度的民族主义情绪让步,中国正在胁迫其他南海国家。It's aboutappeasing Chinese hyper-nationalist sentiment. It's about coercing the otherwise states.

华尔街和沃尔玛不断强迫美国企业把工厂搬到中国,已逾20余载。Wall street and Wal-Mart have been coercing American companies to move their manufacturing to China for 20 years.

我们认为不应该允许中国通过威胁弱小邻国的途径解决存在争议的海域。And we don’t believe that China should be allowed to resolve disputes in contested waters by coercing smaller nations.

现在除了通过把链表,强制转化为行列式意外,可能最普遍的获取它的方法是什么呢?,顺便说一句。a Now, in addition to getting an array by coercing a the list, which is probably the most common way to get it, by the way.

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为消除可能出现的复位死角,在模拟退火算法基础上加入强制无端复位方法,复位过程稳定。To ensure the endless property of the controller a coercing reset method is introduced and here the reset process is stable.

然而,朝鲜希望遣返所有31名朝鲜人并且指责是首尔扣留了这四人,双方在此争执上一直僵持不下。However, the North wants all 31 back, accusing Seoul of coercing the four to stay, and the dispute has left the whole group in limbo.

强制已经开始分化成肌肉的细胞制造PRDM16,引发了相反的转换,产生了棕色脂肪。Coercing cells that had already begun differentiating into muscle to fashion PRDM16 triggered the reverse transformation, yielding brown fat.

当然,唱片公司现在可以拿谷歌音乐搜索作为一个案例,去要挟百度、搜狗、有道、雅虎中国等。Of course, record company can take search of cereal song music to serve as a case now, go coercing dog of Baidu, search, China of path, Yahoo waits.

奥巴马总统宣布了一项雄心勃勃的计划,通过强制贷款方降低利率以防止因无法还抵押贷款而导致房屋止赎率上升。President Obama announces an ambitious plan to avert home foreclosures of people with troubled mortgages by coercing lenders to lower interest rates.

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江西省社会科学院法学研究所的李云龙教授说,1979年通过的一条法律明确规定逼供是违法的。Professor Li Yunlong, of the Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences law faculty, said a law passed in 1979 had made it clear that coercing confessions was illegal.

单就围车叫卖、随车叫卖行为本身而言,它一般不构成犯罪,但行为人在实施围车叫卖、随车叫卖行为时,还可能伴有其他违法犯罪行为的发生。The act of coercing a transaction by peddling around the train or along with the train can not make a crime, but the actors may commit some crimes at the same time.

作为一类独立的共犯人,胁从犯具有两个特征,其中“被胁迫”是其基本特征,“在共同犯罪中起较小作用”是其本质特征。The coerced offender has two characteristics, among which "coercing" is its basic feature, "playing a secondary role in complicity " is its essential characteristic.

一旦你已经在自由的对象来思考和说话正如你看到的审查制度和适合你现在有强迫你监视整合和引人的提交。And where once you had the freedom to object to think and speak as you saw fit you now have censors and surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting submission.

将蒸煮的水倒去,将每一片朝鲜蓟蘸醋或蒜腌泡汁,轻轻的用前牙撕碎该纤维组织,逐渐进入其柔嫩的中央部分。Drain. Dip each leaf in a inaigrette or garlic mayonnaise, then gently tear the fibrous coercing off with your front teeth, working your way inward to the tender heart.

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基于动态耦合模型所建立的协调耦合度,能够较好地反映城市化与生态环境的交互胁迫、动态耦合的演变情况。We have found that the coupling degree can well reflect the interactive coercing and dynamic evolving situation between urbanization and eco-environment in Heal Corridor.

从冷战后强制外交的实践看,一个国家很少单独实施强制,而多与其他国家联合起来共同强制对手。After the cold war, when a country tried to employ coercive diplomacy, instead of unilaterally coercing the adversary, they tended to exploit coalitional coercion with other countries.

自由主义者说,系安全带也许是件好事,但这应由人们自己作主,政府没有资格,用法律来强迫人们系安全带。The libertarian says it may be a good thing if people wear seatbelts but that should be up to them and the state, the government, has no business coercing them, us, to wear seatbelts by law.