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他们还有什么可巩固的?What do they have to consolidate?

如何巩固和发展中国天然橡胶产业?。How to consolidate and develop CNRI?

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统计每月的考勤表。Consolidate the Division's Monthly Attendance Sheet.

狗娃为巩固地位,决定杀鸡儆猴。Gowardesh to consolidate position, decided to scare.

我们认为现在是通过合并来加强我们公司的时候了。We think it’s time to consolidate our position by merging.

整顿军队必须严格整顿纪律。To consolidate the army, strict discipline must be enforced.

能否巩固与云计算内的其他企业的协作?Consolidate like work with other enterprises within the cloud?

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不过,他的批评者认为,所有这些都是一种巩固权利的企图。But his critics claim it's all an attempt to consolidate power.

如果你能把知识教给别人,你也可以巩固学习。If you can teach others knowledge, you could consolidate study.

但如果没有新的利空,欧元至少可维持盘整.No new negative news would allow the euro to at least consolidate.

他认为欧洲经济共同体应该加强。He believed that the European Economic Community should consolidate.

我们在救援中有了一个好的开端,现在应该加以巩固。We have a made a start in the succor, now it is time to consolidate.

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政府希望把十个州合并成三个新的州。The government hoped to consolidate ten states to form three new ones.

但是首先叛军必须要巩固对利比亚各地的控制。But first the rebels will have to consolidate control over the country.

合并索尼当前的产品和平台。The second step is to consolidate Sony’s current products and platforms.

加固堤防,我们又弄来了200多只木笼。In order to consolidate the dyke, we fetched over 200 wooden blocks more.

政府即将把那两个州合并成一个新的州。The government is going to consolidate those two states to form a new one.

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女性们成为了清王朝巩固政权的统治工具。Women have become the rule of the Qing dynasty to consolidate power tools.

一是普及和巩固九年义务教育。First, we will universalize and consolidate nine-year compulsory education.

为了巩固疗效,亦可以再连服7天。In order to consolidate curative effect, also can again even served 7 days.