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仲裁对他们不利。The arbitration is against them.

此事已通过强制性仲裁得到解决。It was settled by compulsory arbitration.

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仲裁地应选在北京。The place of arbitration shall be Beijing.

仲裁费用由败诉方承担。Arbitration fee is paid by the losing party.

我们可以讨论一下仲裁条款吗?Shall we discuss the arbitration clause now?

大多数的合同都有仲裁条款。Most of the contract have arbitration clause.

不要把我们的争论拿去公断。Let's not submit our disputes for arbitration.

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这是合同中的一项仲裁条款。There is an arbitration clause in the contract.

本公司要将索赔一事提出仲裁。We would like to submit this claim to arbitration.

仲裁费用由败诉方承担。Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party.

仲裁费用由败诉方承担。The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

仲裁费由败诉方承担。Arbitration fee is for the account of the loosing party.

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我们应该在合同中加入仲裁条款。We should include an arbitration clause in the contract.

在合同中,我们应该加进仲裁的条款。We should include an arbitration clause in the contract.

被选为仲裁地最多的仍然是伦敦。London is still the most widely used seat of arbitration.

请您把仲裁条款详细地解释一下好吗?Please explain the arbitration clause in detail, will you?

我还要把裁决及合约终止条款写进去。I also have to include arbitration and termination clauses.

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第三条仲裁委员会会址设在深圳市。The Arbitration Committee shall be located in Shenzhen City.

第九章商检、索赔、不可抗力和仲。Chapter Nine Inspection, Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration.

好吧,我们对仲裁条款也很重视。AII right. We also attach importance to the arbitration clause.