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你投机成功的经验,让你经常存有侥幸的心理。Your experience of speculation makes you have aleatory thought.

它以射幸性为主要特征,与实定合同有显著区别。Aleatory as the main feature, it has obvious difference from jitsusada contracts.

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由于电化学用整流变压器CAD系统较为复杂庞大,分两个部分进行研究开发。As the electrochemical rectifier transformer CAD system is aleatory and enormous, it is divided into two parts.

射聿合同的射幸性决定了其订立必须遵循最大诚信原则。The uncertainty nature of aleatory contract determines that the principle of utmost good faith should be applied.

做人要脚踏实地。一步一个脚印。不要报有侥幸的心理。One should work steadily and make solid progresses as every step leaves its print instead of having aleatory mentality.

由于投资者对理财资金没有“理财利益”,所以挂钩型理财产品带有一部分博彩性质。Since investors have no financial profits out of financial funds, link financial products bears the character of aleatory.

本文共分五章,对射幸合同在我国的立法进行了研究。This text divides into chapter five altogether, has carried on research to the legislation of the aleatory contract in our country.

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第五章从立法体系和合法性界限两个角度提出了针对射幸合同的立法建议。In the last part, the author gives legal advice on aleatory contracts from the perspective of legislative system and boundary of legitimacy.

射幸合同创设并在当事人间分配射幸性风险时,引发了一些社会问题,需要立法予以规制。As the aleatory risk is created and allocated by aleatory contract, it triggers some social problems that need to be regulated by legislation.

随后对射幸合同的基本法律特征进行了分析,最后对射幸合同的种类进行了概述。The basic legal characteristic of this contract has been analyzed, the summary to the kind of the aleatory contract has been carried on subsequently.

射幸合同是以不确定性事项为合同标的的特殊合同,它带有很大的机会性和偶然性,所以人们一般视其为不正当的。The aleatory contract is a special contract taking uncertain item as the contract object. It's contingent, so people generally regard it as the improper one.

且在现实生活中,随着经济的不断发展,许多新种类的射幸合同大量涌现,它在法律上取得一席之地应为理所当然之事。And in actual life, with the constantly developing of economy, new kind aleatory contracts emerge in a large amount, one seat should be a natural thing that it is obtained legally.

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保险合同的射幸性是引发保险合同道德风险的原因之一,而免责条款则是避免道德风险的制度保障,有其天然的合理性。The aleatory feature of insurance contracts is one of the reasons that result in moral hazards, while the exclusion clauses are arranged as reasonable regime to exempt the moral hazard.

该方法考虑了导致安全时间加入的两种因素,在严格控制偶然性风险事件下项目进度能按其期望概率执行。This approach considers two factors which induce the safety time, then the project schedule can be executed according to its expected probability when aleatory risk events are strictly controlled.

第四章论证了射幸合同的合法性,提出了合法性评价标准,并依据该标准对争议较大的博彩类合同进行评价,总结出立法的可行性方案。In the fourth part, this paper demonstrates the legitimacy of most aleatory contracts, and puts forward the author's evaluation criteria, based on which the author then evaluates wagering contracts.