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这里的警告是适当的。A caveat here is appropriate.

真棒女士说买者自慎?。Did Ms. Awesome For Real just use caveat emptor?

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当然,读者要擦亮眼睛,其中的许多预测可能会出现错误。Caveat lector, of course, so much of this is bound to be wrong.

有着精密头脑的黑客可能会得到有关引用的一个小小警告。A small caveat on references might appeal to subtle-minded hackers.

让我知道如果你发现任何东西,在此期间,买者自负。Let me know if you find anything, and in the meantime, caveat emptor.

但是唯一的附加条件是要使用微软的现今返还系统搜索。The only caveat is that we go through the Live Cashback search first.

为防止发生误解,我想对那些想要步我后尘的人提出警告。I would offer a caveat for those who want to join me in the dual calling.

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在一开始就谈论公社,我们认为可能会是件犯忌的事儿。Talking about the communes, at the outset, we think that a caveat is due.

从2.2.2迁移应该是很琐细的,带有一个参数的警告。Migration from 2.2.2 should be trivial, with one caveat for the Param tag.

但他很快补充说明道,Skyscanner现在还是需要把搜索放在第一位。He quickly adds the caveat that the company needs “to get search right first”.

需要说明的是,当然,近畿大学所使用的方法必须得以推广。The caveat is, of course, that methods such as Kinki University's must spread.

警告放一边,谨奉上我通往解放之路上的几块垫脚石That caveat aside, here are some of the stepping stones along my path to liberation

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唯一要告诫的是我们的目标类本身恰恰就是拦截过滤器。The only caveat is that our target class happened to be intercepting filter itself.

他的模型中足足有四分之一都可以产生长寿恒星。Fully a quarter of his models led to long-lived stars, but with an important caveat.

在做比斯坎湾战火如何延伸这类预测时,我们常常忽略了以上的警示。But it’s often tempting to ignore this caveat when predicting the outcome of Key Biscayne.

在这些案件中我认为应该有这样一个买者当心概不负责的推定。I believe in these cases there should be a presumption toward ?caveat emptor?- buyer beware.

类库是可以重新使用的,但他们可能被限制于语言运行时环境。Class libraries are reusable, but with the caveat that they be bounded by the language runtimes.

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关于禁用按钮的重要警告是要记住在适当的时候重新启用它们。The major caveat with disabling buttons is to remember to re-enable them at an appropriate time.

而另一个值得注意的警示则是民主从来不能在非市场经济国家扎根。Another caveat is that democracy has never endured in countries with mainly non-market economies.

投资者应当充分理解并遵守证券市场“买者自负”原则。Investors should fully understand and comply with the securities market "caveat emptor " principle.