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患者常欲卧位以求疼痛缓解。The patients often want to lay decubitus for pain relief.

病人体位舒适,褥疮性溃疡部位及周围皮肤易于处理。Position client comfortably with area of decubitus ulcer and surrounding skin easily accessible.

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要采取侧卧位,适当的在头、脚下或腰间加垫一些软垫子。Must adopt the side decubitus , suitable, the under foot or the waist adds pad some soft cushion.

目的分析研究腰骶筋膜皮瓣治疗骶部压疮的临床效果。Objective To study the effect of treatment of decubitus ulcers in sacrum region with fasciocutaneous flaps.

容易出现在患有动脉硬化、糖尿病、褥疮者身上,以及严重烧伤或冻伤之后。It can occur in atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, or decubitus ulcer, and after severe Burns or frostbite.

医院湘肠要求患者峭在床上取侧卧位进行。The hospital Hunan intestines request the patient to take the side decubitus on the bed to carry on steeply.

心尖部位最响亮,病人处左侧卧位时听得最清楚。It is loudest at the apex and may be accentuated by placing the patient in the left lateral decubitus position.

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目的应用高负压间断吸引技术治疗严重压疮。Objective To investigate the value of high-vacuum discontinuous suction technique for treatment of decubitus ulcers.

结论预警干预能有效降低普外科住院患者压疮发生率。Conclusion Preventive intervention procedure can effectively reduce the incidence of decubitus in the surgical patients.

目的应用高负压间断吸引技术治疗严重压疮。Conclusion High-vacuum discontinuous suction technique showed remarkable effect on treatment of serious decubitus ulcers.

目的探讨侧卧位在输尿管镜取石术治疗输尿管上段结石中的临床应用价值。Conclusions Lateral decubitus ureteroscopic lithotripsy for upper urinary calculi could gain higher calculi clearance rate.

触诊时最好用指尖,病人处仰卧位或左侧卧位。Palpation is best accomplished using the fingertips, with the patient either supine or in the left lateral decubitus position.

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骨折组内俯卧位组的肺活量和FEV1明显低于坐位组及侧卧位组。VC and FEV1 in prone position were obviously lower than those in sitting position and lateral decubitus position in fracture group.

事实上,我们所说的压疮或褥疮形成于骨较突出的皮肤部位,常见于长期卧床病人。In fact, so-called "pressure ulcers" or "decubitus ulcers" can form on skin over bony prominences in persons who are bedridden for an extended time.

目的分析骨科病人发生褥疮的原因及相关因素,探讨切实可行预防褥疮的措施。Objective To find out the practical measures to prevent the decubitus by analyzing the risk factors for Decubitus in Patients with Orthopaedic Diseases.

清晨起床后和临睡前,取卧位或坐位,双手怪掌,把掌心放在下腹部。After the morning gets out of bed, before and just before going to sleep, takes the decubitus or the seat, the both hands strange palm, places the underbelly the palm.

其中并发症又分为早期和晚期并发症,包括休克、神经血管损伤、急性肾功能衰竭、脂肪栓塞、感染、深静脉血栓、压疮等。These complications include shock, the nerve and vascular injury, the acute kidney failure, fat embolism, infection, deep venous thrombosis, decubitus ulcer and so on.

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方法将治疗组采用高负压间断吸引技术治疗,对照组用常见压疮非手术治疗方法治疗。Methods The therapeutic group was treated by high-vacuum discontinuous suction technique, and the control group was treated by noninvasive surgery for familiar decubitus ulcers.

如果外科医生经常在患者侧卧位下进行THA,那么当外科医生初次应用该入路进行手术时,臼杯的方向和准备具有挑战性。Cup orientation and preparation is challenging when first starting to use this procedure if the surgeon is used to performing THA with the patient in a lateral decubitus position.

因此,左侧卧位对晚期妊娠是有益的,因为心迷走神经张力的降低和心交感神经兴奋性的增加最小。For women in late pregnancy, the left lateral decubitus position may be beneficial becausecardiac vagal activity is suppressed least and cardiac sympathetic activity is enhanced least.