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全英音乐奖是英国唱片产业协会的年度流行音乐盛典。The BRIT Awards are the British Phonographic Industry's annual pop music awards.

在收音机和留声机唱片出现之前,钢琴是整个家庭的娱乐中心。It was the home entertainment center before radio and phonographic records came along.

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如果是这样,这个收费怎么可能带来唱片业的春天呢?If so, how the charges might be brought about by the Federation of the Phonographic Industry this spring?

在唱片业不景气的今天,周杰伦的唱片却总是能畅销。In the recession of the Federation of the Phonographic Industry Today, Jay Chou's record is always popular.

在唱片业不景气中与盗版威胁下依然开出红盘!In the Federation of the Phonographic Industry in recession and the threat of piracy is still out red plate!

听觉信号由不断变化的风声合成样本实时编辑而成。Audio signal is composed in real-time through infinite variations based on wind phonographic samples and synthesis.

打字机和留声机却是异国情调,显露出放眼国际的气度。Typewriter and phonographic it is exotic emotional appeal however, show the bearing that gives scan widely international.

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唱片业协会表示,对于已提出的诉讼,协会将继续法律程序。Federation of the Phonographic Industry said that the proceedings have been put forward, the association will continue the proceedings.

近日孙燕姿在新加坡受访时承认受“埃及事件”波及,对唱片业大失所望!Stefanie Sun has an interview in Singapore by the admit the "Egyptian incident" affected, the Federation of the Phonographic Industry disappointed!

国际唱片业协会打算加快行动,向非法在网上交换音乐档案人士提出诉讼。The International Federation of Phonographic Industries plans to step up action against unauthorized music file-sharing by taking offenders to court.

打开门,让歌声飘出阳台。留声机、雕花橱,实用和美观在那个时代就能结合。Open the door, let singing trail balcony. Cabinet of phonographic , carve patterns or designs on woodwork, practical and beautiful can be united in wedlock in that times.

在1920年共同创办麦克以前,化学家当劳。肯德尔,他曾在托马斯爱迪生公司试验胶木和尿素,试图寻找唱片中蜡的替代品。Kendall, a chemist, co-founded Mack in 1920, he had experimented with Bakelite and urea at Thomas Edison Cos. , trying to find a good replacement for wax used in phonographic records.

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也是在今天,中国音著协与中国音像协会、国际唱片业协会一道加入了唱片公司讨伐百度的阵营。Also today, China and the China Association for Music Book audio-visual Association, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry to join a record company Taofa Baidu's camp.