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烘烤曲奇的香味。Smell of cookies baking.

把它们放到烘烤盘上。Put them on a baking tray.

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你自己可以做发酵粉。Make your own baking powder.

食用臭粉拌匀。Mix fl our with baking powder.

厨师正在烤馒头片。The cook is baking steamed bread.

应该将烘箱调到烘干项。You should set the oven for baking.

邓克尔熬夜烤到凌晨三点。Dunkel stayed up baking until three.

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把面包放入有边的烤盘中。Place bread on a rimmed baking sheet.

筛入面粉、泡打粉及盐。Sieve flour , baking powder and salt.

卡车,巴士,汽车用压克力烤漆。Baking enamels for truck, bus and car.

排上带烘烤纸的烘干板。Line a baking sheet with baking paper.

我的房间像蒸笼一样。我只有赤裸着。My house is so baking that I am naked.

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她把发酵粉的锡筒拖下来。She pulled down the baking powder tin.

用锡箔纸包裹烤鱼的窍门!Tips to baking fish in aluminium foil!

在午夜,面包师烤制面包和蛋糕。the bakers are baking bread and cakes.

加入低筋面粉和发粉。Mix in the Cake Flour and Baking Powder.

可用小苏打清洗你的垃圾罐。Wash your garbage cans with baking soda.

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加入已筛面粉、盐及泡打粉。Add sieved flour , salt and baking powder.

面包切面朝上放到烤盘上。Place bread, cut-side up, on baking sheet.

不粘烘焙纸必须立刻揭掉。Remove non-stick baking paper immediately.