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保险丝烧断了。The fuse blew out.

那于保险丝烧断。That blew the fuse.

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你检查保险丝盒了吗?Did you try the fuse box?

他确实是个急性子。He is a short fuse indeed.

系统熔丝又一次熔断了吗?The fuse blew out with a snap.

保险丝起着保险装置的作用。The fuse acts as a safety device.

短路会烧断保险丝的。A short circuit will blow the fuse.

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我的卷发钳经常烧坏保险丝。My curling iron always blows a fuse.

分析了熔断器布置的有效性。The distribution of fuse is discussed.

看样子你把保险丝烧断了。It looks as though you've blown a fuse.

在该单元中,二极管表现为熔丝。In this cell the diode behaves as a fuse.

霎时间一切开始发光,融合。allowing the world to flicker and to fuse.

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扼流圈是全铜环绕的,并有熔断器保护。Chokes are copper wound and fuse protected.

一个保险丝烧断了,致使灯灭。A fuse has blown, causing the lights to fail.

手边准备点蜡烛,万一保险丝烧断了。Have some candles at hand in case lights fuse.

我们可以把各种成分熔合成玻璃。We can fuse the various ingredients into glass.

轻装地熔断丝和奔跑,在家制造了炸药炸弹!Light the fuse and run, home made dynamite bombs!

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消费级烟火有一个六秒钟的导火索。Consumer-grade pyrotechnics have a six-second fuse.

我拒绝控告导火索散播混乱。I refuse to accuse Fuse of diffusing confusion.

介绍了熔断器选择的基本原则。The basic principles to choose fuse are introduced.