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过失行为通常是侵权。Usually negligence is a tort.

侵权行为法以普通法为基础。The law of tort is common-law based.

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在侵权法中,责任是由法律规定的。In tort law the duty is imposed by the law.

第三章具体阐述了心理健康侵权民事责任。Chapter three is tort liabilities of mental health.

第一部分,对“侵权行为”和“违法性”的重新解读。The first part re-interpretate "tort" and "illegality".

第一章是心理健康侵权责任概述。Chapter one is summary of tort liability of mental health.

第二章,新闻侵权抗辩事由之国外比较研究。Chapter two, study on news tort defense in foreign countries.

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第三章,我国新闻侵权抗辩事由制度的完善。Chapter three, perfect news tort defense system of our country.

侵权行为指注册会计师出具不实旳审计报告旳行为。The tort is the behavior that the CPA mendacious audit statement.

违法性,应当成为侵权构成之独立要件。Illegality should be an independent element of the tort composition.

然而,德州的侵权法改革则全要归功于裴瑞。Mr Perry can take full credit, however, for the state's tort reform.

第二节阐明了证券欺诈行为可以构成侵权行为。Section B clarifies the securities fraudulence can form a tort action.

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第二章主要论述无意思联络数人侵权的分类。Chapter Two mainly discusses the classification of accidental joint tort.

民法中最大两个类别是合同法和侵权法。Two of the largest categories of civil law are contract law and tort law.

无效产品责任处于合同法和侵权行为法的交错领域。Ineffective product liability lies between the field of contract and tort.

第三章是关于恶意诉讼侵权行为构成要件的理论探讨。The third chapter is about the malicious actions of tort factor in theory.

侵权行为指注册会计师出具不实的审计报告的行为。The tort is the behavior that the CPA provides mendacious audit statement.

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最后,文章明确了侵害肖像权的法律责任。Finally, legal responsibility for tort of portraiture right has been confirmed.

第二章医疗侵权责任的归责原则。Chapter two is about the responsibility principle of medical liability for tort.

第二章是心理健康侵权责任的构成要件。Chapter two is the constitutive requirements of tort liability of mental health.