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也可以是一本传记。It could be biography.

撰写人物传记的能力。Skills of writing a biography.

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博斯威尔撰写的约翰逊传记。Boswell's biography of Johnson.

他的传记上月出版了。His biography appeared last month.

你喜欢传记还是小说?Do you prefer biography or fiction?

他写了本著名的莫札特传。He wrote a famous biography of Mozart.

“泰德邦迪的自传,”托尼回答。"A biography of Ted Bundy, " Tony replied.

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从传记中可以学到很多东西。There's plenty to learn from the biography.

为了撰写一份传记类书评,我阅读了此书。I read this book for a biography book report.

鲍斯韦尔为怀特博士写过一本著名传记。Boswell wrote a famous biography of Dr. White.

第二部分,吴兆骞生平和著作。Second part, Wu Zhaoqian's biography and work.

这是一本文献佐证翔实可靠的传记。This book is a carefully documented biography.

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将理想化或者当作偶像崇拜的。A biography that idealizes or idolizes the person.

这本书的形式半是传记,半是辩论。Mr Blom’s book is part biography and part polemic.

告诉万卡特希给他写本自传。T. talks about Mr Venkatesh writing his biography.

他把那位篮球明星的自传改编成电影脚本。He dramatized the biography of the basketball star.

自传常常没有传记真实。Autobiography is often less truthful than biography.

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这本传记的精装本现在有售。Deluxe editions of this biography are available now.

五是小型化测控与数传。Fifth, miniaturized observation and number biography.

这部伟大领袖的自传很适合于改编成剧本。The biography of the great leader will dramatize well.