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你的社论全然无视铁一般的事实。Your editorial blithely ignores the hard facts.

共和党人还轻率地将下层中产阶级的工作机会转移至印度,公司的利润上升了———很好!Republicans blithely shipped jobs for lower-middle-class Americans off to India.

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RIM发表声明,草率地全盘否定了公开信的建议。It blithely dismissed the open-letter's suggestions with a declaration of denial.

大门是开着的,所以我愉快的散步进这栋别墅并希望能敲门入室。The gate was open, so I blithely strolled into the estate intending to knockon the door.

面对眼前显而易见的危险,这么多人怎么能如此轻率地无动于衷?How could so many people be so blithely unconcerned about immediate, obvious dangers around them?

普罗米修斯以为人类应当领有宙斯那种能照亮天空的巧妙火花。Prometheus said that man should accept Zeus's admirable breezeer of fire, which shone so blithely in the sky.

你还轻率地忽视很多事情,像奥斯卡?德拉伦塔在2002年设计过一系列的天蓝色晚礼服。And you?re also blithely unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gown.

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信函作者论述中的这一部分漫不经心地将一个极为相关的事实弃置不顾,即众所周知,鲑鱼喜食两栖动物所产的卵。This part of the argument blithely dismisses the very relevant fact that trout are known to eat amphibian eggs.

至于其他金融机构,该提案则轻松地一笔带过,只是说“市场原则是限制系统性风险最有效的工具”。As for the rest, it blithely declares that “market discipline is the most effective tool to limit systemic risk.”

这种无意识思考模式是「一厢情愿」的,全然无视于逻辑法则以及时间顺序。This type of unconscious thinking is "wishful"—and it blithely disregards the rules of logic and the arrow of time.

虽然30岁以下的中国人口头上愉悦地四处甩出“牛屄”,在书面语中还是有些礼节需要考虑。As blithely as under-30 Chinese throw the term around, a little decorum remains when it comes to the written characters.

但是他们轻率地忽略了这样一个事实,我们现有的社会安全体系就是靠赊账买回来的,而且这张账单已经快要到期了。But they blithely ignore the fact that the safety net we already have was bought on credit and that the bill is almost due.

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然而网络有它自己的生存方式,它很快就克服了或者是愉快地忽略了这些企图颠覆他们天性的动作。But the network has its own economics, and quickly overcomes or blithely ignores any attempt to subvert its innate qualities.

欧美人乐于假设中国会变得跟他们一样,经济发展,人们更富裕。Americans and Europeans blithely assume that China will become more like them as its economy develops and its population gets richer.

孩子们穿着厚厚的防雪服,僵硬得如同海星,在围栏里跌跌撞撞地走来走去,开心极了,全然不惧周围蜂拥而至的驯鹿。Small children, stiff as starfish in their snowsuits, toddle blithely inside the corral, unfazed by the reindeer stampede around them.

多年来,我一直都是无忧无虑地认为,尽管我对这份工作明显缺乏热情,但我得保住它,它永远是我的工作。For years I just blithely assumed that, despite my obvious lack of enthusiasm for the job, I got to keep it, that it was mine for ever.

我对于他几乎胜选而感到吃惊,部分是由于不喜欢他的看起来不顾及后果的减税主义。I suspect his surprise near-"win" is due in part to a growing distaste with tax-cutting ideologues who seem blithely unaware of the damage they do.

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在晚餐会上,普京从始至终认为俄罗斯的经济不会受到全球危机的影响。Throughout his remarks to the Valdai group, Mr Putin seemed blithely confident that Russia’s economic growth would not be affected by the global crisis.

在艺术家和作品的选择上,本次展览弥消了现实,虚拟以及不同媒质间的界限。Through the choice of theme and artists, this exhibition blithely disregards all borders between the real and the virtual as well as the different mediums.

要知道我正住在石棉中,而这些石棉被一些麻木不仁的工人轻率地安装和切碎,我的父亲一定在天堂啐着吐沫。To learn that his son is now living amidst exposed asbestos, blithely installed and cut up by apathetic zombies, my dad must be doing spit-takes in Heaven.