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我想是用水泥封住的。I think it's cement.

装水泥的搅拌罐可旋转!Cement drum really turns!

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他买了两袋水泥。He bought two bags of cement.

水泥和石头凝结在一起。The cement and stone cohered.

注意不要粘牢皮肤!Be careful not to cement skin!

水泥是由石灰石制成的。Cement is made from limestone.

他用水泥抹墙。He faced the wall with cement.

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两袋水泥就够了。Two sacks of cement are enough.

水泥搅拌车等系列产品。Cement mixer and other products.

斯特罗贝尔和水泥建造。Strobel and cement construction.

他砰的一声重重放下一袋水泥。He slapped a sack of cement down.

用泥浆泵替水泥浆。Displace cement with the mud pumps!

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你家地板是水泥的还是泥的?Do you have a dirt or cement floor?

水泥厂传染环境。The cement plant. That's the Kaise?

水泥厂污染环境。The cement plant. That's the Kaise?

当时哪有钢筋水泥啊。There wasn't steel and cement then.

他们决定在人行道上铺上水泥。They decided to cement the pavement.

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踩踏尚未全干的水泥地是非常不对的。Stepping on wet cement is a big no-no.

马伦•贝克关注水泥与钢铁行业。Mallen Baker considers cement and steel.

古老的起重机升起水泥和油桶。Ancient cranes lift cement and oil drums.