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即使不放水果,这一水果盘本身就具有雕刻艺术之美感。Even without fruit there's a nice sculptural quality to it.

他们还特意强化了建筑的雕塑感。They also intensify the sculptural characteristic of the volume.

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他们弯曲起来,围绕在一个陌生的雕塑显示的脖子。They bend up and around the neck in a strange sculptural display.

第一个杰出的雕塑肖像俄罗斯主人楼舒宾。The first outstanding Russian master of sculptural portrait was F. Shubin.

总之,这是一座高效、具有视觉冲击力且极具雕塑感的建筑。In all, an effective and visually striking piece of sculptural architecture.

你可以看到在雕刻作品中运用了许多不同种类的金属。You see that there are a number of different metals used for the sculptural works.

锌涂层的坡屋顶形成了颇具雕塑感的形体。Finally the "dancing" sloping roofs coated with zinc generate a very sculptural form.

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从美学角度看,这是一个极具雕塑感和传统元素的住宅。Aesthetically, this house is a sculptural and abstract replica of a traditional house.

使用一系列柔和的灯光和蜡烛能够创造出一种放松闲适的气氛和有趣的光影效果。Use a range of sculptural soft lights and candles to create mood and interesting shadows.

海云台佑洞开发区在形式上是可以雕塑的,为釜山市创造了一个新图标。Sculptural in form, the Haeundae Udong development creates a new icon for the city of Busan.

这是个大胆的雕塑性的设计,多面玻璃塔,有14层公寓。A bold, sculptural design, the multi-faceted glass tower includes 14 floor-through apartments.

泳池两边点缀了穿插着雕塑树木的荷花池。The pool is bordered on two sides by a continuous lotus pond interspersed with sculptural trees.

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这款酒架雕刻的创意受液体流动的启发,使用拉丝不锈钢制成。Inspired by the flow of liquid, this sculptural wine rack is finished in brushed stainless steel.

卡门最新的雕塑作品系列,“枪支与玫瑰”是他过人能力的充分体现。Spera's most recent sculptural series, "Guns & Roses" is a bravura demonstration of his abilities.

这将为以后的雕塑过程美学研究抛砖引玉。This research will help more and more people to study sculptural process aesthetics in the future.

它并没有误入雕刻形式和过多的时尚元素复杂化的这个住宅的歧途,它仅是它本该的样子。No errant, sculptural forms or overly stylish elements complicate this home, it simply is what it is.

她作品中的那种视觉享受、游刃有余和雕塑般的质感立即引起了我的共鸣。The sensuality, the effortlessness, the sculptural quality of her work resonated with me immediately.

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最后得到的产物宛如雕刻作品一般,还带有传统条墨的强烈气味。The result is a highly sculptural work of art that carries with it the pungent smell of traditional ink.

第二部分包括14件雕塑作品,每件大约为直径80厘米,高度120厘米。The second part comprises fourteen sculptural pieces each approximately 80cm in diameter and 120cm high.

设计理念的清晰和直接为空间带来的独特的感受,并使建筑呈现雕塑感。The clarity and directness of the concept brings dramatic expression to the sculptural form of the building.