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什么是英雄主义?What is heroism?

他由于英勇而获得一枚奖章。He received a medal for his heroism.

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自信乃英雄主义的精髓。Self- trust is the essence of heroism.

酒癖的英雄气概闪着光彩在翱翔。Wine Maniac's heroism soars with flare.

首先,茨威格笔下的英雄主义。First of all, Zweig described by heroism.

葛泰停顿一下,然后鼓起勇气说道。Gerty paused and added with a flash of heroism.

他以他的英勇行为给他家带来荣誉。He brought honour to his family by his heroism.

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这是一部洋溢着革命气慨的激动人心的文献。It was a stirring document imbued with heroism.

这悲剧激发了无数的英勇事迹。The tragedy prompted countless acts of heroism.

剑指北国溢豪气。The sword points northward with heroism burning.

在这类剧情概要中,英勇的行为并不重要。Heroism counts for little in this kind of scenario.

他的英雄故事传遍全国。Stories of his heroism resounded through the country.

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在9月11日,我们赞赏英雄式行为,是因为它的处处可见。On Sept. 11, we valued heroism because it was everywhere.

这次会议的主题是深刻的,它是一首赞美的好汉。The theme is deep, and it is a song of praise of heroism.

丹麦人永远记得他们在1940年4月9日的英勇事迹。Danes will always remember their heroism on April 9, 1940.

我们可能认为这是慷慨的表现,甚至自以为富有英雄气概。We may think this is a sign of generosity or even heroism.

托洛茨基到远东,不战不和逞英雄。Showing off his heroism with neither war nor reconciliation.

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但真英雄的精神必帮助他们胜过这一切。But a spirit of true heroism will help them to overcome these.

朦胧诗人的创作中表现出明显的英雄主义特征。Heroism apparently appears in the creation of somnolent poets.

海泽曼十分尊重用户的投资。Heroism attaches much importance to the investment of clients.