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终究在1060年他获得了修道院僧侣资格。He eventually took his monastic orders in 1060.

再次,关于隋唐时期的僧尼角色冲突。Again, about part conflict of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty.

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已故艺术教育家李叔同出家后的法号是什么?What was the monastic name of the late art educator Li Shutong?

其次,关于隋唐时期的僧尼的实际角色。The second, about actual part of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty.

如果想出家是出于不光彩的原因,则只会生成过错,而且是不明智的!To be a monastic out of ignoble reasons creates demerits and is unwise!

我们学佛、出家,你看天下人类到处都是,真的发心出家的有多少人?We followed Buddha into a monastic life. There are many people like us.

它恢复了夜晚的沉默,贫穷的服装,和寺院剃度。It restored the night silence, poverty in apparel, and monastic tonsure.

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有的僧尼还与世俗家庭保持着密切联系,甚至死后以俗法安葬。Some monastic kept away with family, and buried in forms of unreligious.

首先,关于隋唐社会所认可的僧尼的理想角色。The first, about ideal part of monastic considered by Sui and Tang society.

这个错误是跟着古老的修道院式的二元论想法而来的。The mistake is continuing to think in terms of the old monastic dichotomies.

其他注定要成为僧侣的门徒来到了达克希什瓦。Others destined to be monastic disciples of Sri Ramakrishna came to Dakshineswar.

洞穴本事是一间拜占庭修道院,大概有1000年的历史了。The cave itself used to be a Byzantine monastic retreat, dated at about 1, 000 years old.

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宁体派不隶属于其他宁玛派的六大寺院体系,而是独立的龙钦宁体传承。Longchen Nyingtik Sect is independent of the other six major monastic systems of Nyingmapa.

要当和尚,你还需要找一位修行上师,完成上述之事会对此有所帮助。To be a monk, you will need to find a monastic master too, which doing the above will help.

但他若这样作,就难免冒犯了修道院的当局,并失去经济上的供给。But to do so he must risk giving offense to his monastic superior and forfeiting his support.

甚至在他70岁的时候,他仍渴望回到中国成为促成中国基督教修院主义复兴的一部分。Even in his 70s, he hoped to return home to be part of a Christian monastic revival in China.

忘却了大风过后的东倒西歪、粉红色的三文鱼、修道院的废墟和库尔的野天鹅。Forget the windblown scenery, the pink salmon, the monastic ruins and the wild swans at Coole.

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在宗教权力最强的中世纪,希腊分布着数千所修道院。During the height of monastic power in the Middle Ages, thousands of monasteries dotted Greece.

无处不在,佛教寺院的社区往往依赖于俗人对粮食和物质上的支持。Everywhere, Buddhist monastic communities tended to depend on the laity for food and material support.

志莲净苑的唐式寺院正是由敦煌壁画的化育而生成。The Tang style monastic complex of the Chi Lin Nunnery was inspired by and modeled on Dunhuang murals.