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不同种类的辣椒的辣味也不同。The different sorts of chilli pep pers vary in pungency.

姜是我国传统的香辛料,其风味芳香而辛辣。Ginger is the traditional spice for its arom and pungency.

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由于她的尖酸刻薄,没人愿意与她交朋友。No one wants to make a friend with her , due to her pungency.

在真理上,忧伤是不值得拥有的,但是若把它辛酸的部分去掉,或许会别有一番风味。In truth sorrow is not desirable, but taken apart its pungency may appear savoury.

如果你的回答是肯定的,那么就让伏特加的辛辣感再猛烈些吧。In fact, the answer is yes. So, please do not hesitate to come to enjoy the pungency of vodka.

这一强大的刺激性小块茎是这样认为的一些居民被迫逃离!The powerful pungency of this small tuber was such that some of the inhabitants were forced to flee!

这声音加上家禽强烈的刺激气味,促使我们来到安静的小兔子身边,它们皮毛柔软,有的长着拖鞋般的大耳朵。The sound, plus the pungency of chicken excrement, pushed us right into the silent bunnies, satin soft, some with ears large as slippers.

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蒸馏油主要含有单萜、倍半萜烯类化合物,未见生姜特有的辣味成分。The main components of the steam distilled oil are monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, the pungency components of ginger have not been found.

所说的就是当蛇在感应猎物时形成的热能影像,所启用的感应器官跟我们用来感觉芥末的辛辣味的感应器官很相似。It turns out that when some snakes thermally image their prey, they employ receptors similar to those we use to sense pungency from wasabi.

酒体散发马尔堡地区固有的气味与口感,香气中拼凑出白醋栗、红醋栗的形体,还有百香果的香甜印记。This wine has classic Marlborough pungency and varietal definition. There are aromas of white and blackcurrants and plenty of passion fruit.

辣椒,包括朝天椒,辣椒和卡宴辣椒,其辛辣味来自果实内部的辣椒素化合物。The pungency of hot peppers including tabasco chili and cayenne peppers comes from the compound capsaicin in the internal partitions of the fruit.

即使是价格最高的特级纯橄榄油,虽然仍旧保有辣味,也失去了大量特殊风味物质。Even prize-winning, and costly, extra-virgin olive oils lost much of what makes them special, though they retain their apparently healthful pungency.

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如同炎炎夏日拉紧的葡萄藤,冬日的草本植物看起来集中了更多的能量用于了生长,因此它们比夏天的时候更加辛辣。Like stressed grape vines in the summer heat, cold-weather herbs seem to put more concentrated energy into growing, and their pungency outstrips that of summer herbs.

事实上,专门小组给加热的、素淡油的名次比加热的、更贵的加州特级纯油高,因为加州油的辣味平衡被辛辣味掩盖了。In fact the panel ranked the heated light oil higher than the heated pricey California extra-virgin oil, whose pungency was no longer balanced by a spicy aroma and had become overbearing.

事实上,市场的大部分已经转移到有机酸盐的使用上,弱酸引起了辛辣反应,直至影响采食量,这是市场一部分的沉思。The fact that a good part of the market has shifted to the use of the salts of organic acids, may be a reflection, in part, of the effect of weak acids on pungency and ultimately feed intake.