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让你知道一下报告是明天要交。The paper is due tomorrow fyi.

回楼上,最后两句好讽刺。The last two sentences are sarcasm FYI.

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这件事你完全是在浪费时间。意见仅供参考。Youre wasting your time with that . Just FYI.

最近有点忙,所以之后更新会慢一点。Been pretty busy lately, so the update will be slow. Just FYI.

他们也把2倍仇恨效果挪到了冰霜震击上,你瞧。They also moved the 2x threat effect over to Frost Shock, FYI.

是一个新的函数。,So,,malloc,is,a,new,function。,在头文件中定义了标准库作为参考。malloc It's defined in a header file just FYI called standard lib.

我们什么时候下料生产取决于您的首付款什么时候打过来。Our production arrangement is depends on the time your first payment arranged. FYI.

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另外我有一本外国人编写的学汉语的课本,下次可以带来给大家参考。I have a Chinese text book that was written by a foreigner, I can bring it here next time FYI.

日本的K计算机由国产的CPU驱动,是日本富士通公司根据“可扩充处理器架构”研发出来的,并没有使用因特尔的处理器。FYI Japan's K computer is powered by domestic CPU developed by Fujitsu based on the SPARC architecture and does not use Intel.

我们希望以上的五条事实及FYI生活杂志中其他关于儿童健康的文章能够继续帮助读者为他们的家庭做出正确的营养选择。We hope these Top 5 Surprising Food Facts and FYI Living’s many other Kids Health articles will continue to help readers make the best nutrition choices for their families.

在语法部分列出了许多专业方面的术语,小测验结束时你将发现一个名为FYI的部分,它将建议你链接到一些相关的网站。More technical or specialized words are defined in the syntax section which you can explore. At the end of the quiz, you'll find an FYI section with suggested links to related sites.