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孩子们到处乱闯。The children are rushing about.

哦,他们正在争球。Oh, they're rushing for the ball.

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哦,他们正在争球。Oh, they are rushing for the ball.

我是奔向泉源的水。I am water rushing to the wellhead.

奔奔族充满了活力。The rushing clans are full of vigors.

我放声歌唱,哦,我听到了你的心跳。I know the memories rushing into mind.

那些鲸鱼呼气时发出一种急促的声音。The whales expired with a rushing sound.

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水流经水闸时十分流急。Water went rushing through the lock gates.

不管坐车还是步行,人人都来去匆匆。On wheels or on foot, everyone was rushing.

城市里有很多奔奔族。There are many rushing clans in the cities.

他很像他妈妈,总是忙来忙去。He's like his mother, always rushing around.

人们从奈何桥上匆匆走过。People are rushing across the Bridge of Sigh.

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血液就这样快速地流遍全身。This sends the blood rushing around the body.

他往往到最后的一瞬间才急忙赶来。He always comes rushing up at the last moment.

天使盯着匆匆逃命的刺猬们。The angel stared out at the rushing hedgerows.

那只猫突然开始向那只老鼠扑去。The cat suddenly started rushing at the mouse.

这艘小船顶不住汹涌奔腾的潮水。The small boat could not stem the rushing tide.

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心急火燎地跑回家给他、她打电话,或者接听来自他、她的电话。Rushing home to call or be called by him or her.

你可以听到血液在头部涌流的声音。You can hear the blood rushing through your head.

如果你从容不再,于是你便匆忙了。If you are not being gentle then your are rushing.